
generate typescript and io-ts types using graphql-code-generator

Primary LanguageHandlebars




Custom Scalars

The templates support a custom generator config for custom scalars that you need to define in your gql-gen.json:

  "generatorConfig": {
    "customScalars": "src/io-types/scalars"

It needs to export all the custom scalars used in your schema:

import * as t from 'io-ts'
import moment from 'moment'

// represents a Date from an ISO string
export const Datetime = new t.Type<moment.Moment, string>(
  (mixed): mixed is moment.Moment => moment.isMoment(mixed),
  (mixed, context) =>
    t.string.validate(mixed, context).chain(str => {
      const instance = moment(str)
      return instance.isValid() ? t.success(instance) : t.failure(str, context)
  instance => instance.toISOString()

export type Datetime = moment.Moment


Tranit decoding, i.e. for apollo-client:

import * as t from 'io-ts'
import { Operations } from 'schema/__generated__/io-types'

type Op = { operationName: Operations.operationType }

export function decoder<O extends Op>(operation: O) {
  return ({ data, ...response }) => ({
      data: Operations[operation.operationName]
        .getOrElseL(errors => {
          let failures = failure(errors).join('\n');
          throw new Error(failures)