
The Cherry project is a framework to administrate workers and connectors

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Community badge: Incubating Community extension badge Compatible with: Camunda Platform 8

What is the Cherry Framework?

The Cherry Framework is a framework dedicated to execute Camunda 8 Connectors and Workers. it is dedicated to administrators and developers. it provides administrative functions to monitor executions.

Cherry Framework Overview

For a quick execution, access the Tutorial chapter.

Collections of connectors/workers can be integrated in the Cherry Framework. A collection is an application ready to execute. This documentation gives information:

  • for administrators, to start and administrate a Collection
  • for developers, to integrate a connector, or develop a connector or a worker in the framework, to create a Collection.


Multiple collections used the Cherry Framework (Office PDF, CMIS). Each collection embedded multiple connectors or runners.

Each collection is an application, available as a Java application or as a Docker image.

Provide the information to connect the Zeebe engine, and start the application. The framework provides then an administrative page to monitor execution. Cherry Main Page

On this page, connectors/workers are visible with statistics. The administrator can stop a connector/worker and change the number of threads dedicated to the pool of execution.

BPMN Designer

A Cherry collection is a set of connectors/workers. Within the administrative page, the designer can access all the different artifacts.

He can access the type of connector/worker and information about the input and the output of the connector. A list of BPMN errors thrown by the connector/worker is available. Documentation

He can download the Element-Templates of the collection to load it in the Modeler or in the Web Modeler. The design becomes very easy.

Template Modeler


The developer can focus on the connector development. He has to declare Input and Output in the description. These have different advantages:

  • The Framework will manage documentation, and it doesn't need to worry about it
  • the Template Modeler will be generated by the Framework
  • The Framework controls the contract. If a variable is mandatory, the Framework controls its existence. On the Execute() method, the developer does not need to worry about the variable.

Execution is managed by the Framework, and a lot of administrative function is included: start/stop, change the number of thread, and get statistics on the execution.

Administrator and BPMN Designer


The Cherry framework comes with some Runners. You can start it as it is, or it may be embedded in a project to deliver more Runners.

The library contains a WebApplication. You can access it if you start the Cherry Framework project or if you start a project which includes the Cherry Framework project

Specify the connection to Zeebe

The connection to the Zeebe engine is piloted via the application.properties located on src/main/java/resources/application.properties

Use a Camunda Saas Cloud:

  1. Follow the Getting Started Guid to create an account, a cluster and client credentials

  2. Use the client credentials to fill the following environment variables:

    • ZEEBE_ADDRESS: Address where your cluster can be reached.
    • ZEEBE_CLIENT_ID and ZEEBE_CLIENT_SECRET: Credentials to request a new access token.
    • ZEEBE_AUTHORIZATION_SERVER_URL: A new token can be requested at this address, using the credentials.
  3. fulfill the information in the application.properties

# use a cloud Zeebe engine

Use a onPremise Zeebe

Use this information in the application.properties, and provide the IP address to the Zeebe engine

# use a onPremise Zeebe engine

Start the application

Attention: Cherry collection works with the JDK 17.

After starting, all Runners in the project begin to monitor the Zeebe server. When a task is ready to be executed by one of the Runners, it is processed.

Command line

Execute start.sh or start.bat available on the framework.



mvn spring-boot:run

Docker image


mvn install
docker build -t zeebe-cherryframework:1.0.0 .

Docker Compose

A docker-compose.yaml file is available Execute

docker-compose up

Access the Web Application

Access the webapp here: http://localhost:9081.

Currently, there is just a single welcome page that calls the /cherry/api/runner/list to show Runners found in system:

Web Page Welcome Screen Shot

The Runner section describes all Runners available in the project. For each Runner, you have a list of Inputs expected and Outputs produced by the Runner.

Click on one of the rows in the table to see more details. For example, here are details about the "PingWorker":

Worker Detail Screen Shot

Each Runner follows the same pattern:

  • it declares a type. This type must be used in your process to specify the Runner. By convention, type name is 'c--'. For example, the LoadFileFromDiskWorker type is 'c-pdf-convert-to'

  • it expects input data The OfficeToPdf expects to input an MSOffice document.

  • it processes the task and produces output data For example, the OfficeToPdf worker produces a PDF document

  • it may produce some BPM errors. If the conversion to a PDF document fails, a BPMN Error is thrown.

  • Check out each collection and Runner to see the detail.

How to integrate a Runner into your process?

Check out the definition. Creates a service task and uses the type.

Check the input data. Use the Input facility in Camunda to map the required Input and your process.

For example, the LoadFilesFromDisk Runner required a folder and a filename to load a file. Input are "folder" and "fileName" (1). If you don't have these variables in your process or with a different name (for example, the file name you want to load is under the process variable "ContractDocument"), then an Input is the solution.

  • Add an Input with the required name, i.e., fileName map the value of the Input to your variable:
fileName = ContractDocument

You can give a constant for Input. If all files are located under c:/document/contract, then give as Input

folder = "c:/document/contract"
  • You proceed in the same way to map the output to your process variables, to link an output to your process variable.

(1) LoadFilesFromDisk has different scenarios to load files. You can load a file explicitly by its name or via a filter like "*.docx"

Manage files (or documents)

Zeebe does not store files as it.

The Cherry project offers different approaches to manipulating files across Runners. For example, OfficeToPdf needs an MS office or an Open Office document as input and will produce a PDF document as a result.

How to give this document? How to store the result?

The Cherry project introduces the StorageDefinition concept. This information explains how to access files (same concept as a JDBC URL). Then the Runner LoadFileFromDisk required a storageDefinition, and produced as output a "fileLoaded". Note: the storage definition is the way to access where files are stored, not the file itself.

Existing storage definitions are:

  • JSON: files are stored as JSON, as a process variable. This is simple, but if your file is large, not very efficient. The file is encoded in base 64, which implies a 20 to 40% overload, and the file is stored in the C8 engine, which may cause some overlap.

Example with LoadFileFromDisk:

storageDefinition: JSON

fileLoaded contains a JSON information with the file

{"name": "...", "mimeType": "application/txt", value="..."}
  • FOLDER:. File is store on the folder, with a unique name to avoid any collision.

Example with LoadFileFromDisk:

storageDefinition: FOLDER:/c8/fileprocess

fileLoaded contains


Note: the folder is accessible by Runners. If you run a multiple Cherry application on different hosts, the folder must be visible by all applications.

  • TEMPFOLDER, the temporary folder on the host, is used to store the file, with a unique name to avoid any collision

Example with LoadFileFromDisk:

storageDefinition: TEMPFOLDER

fileLoaded contains


This file is visible in the temporary folder on the host

Note: the temporary folder is accessible only on one host, and each host has a different temporary folder. This implies your Runners run only on the same host, not in a cluster.

Example of usages

See different examples under src/test/resources/org.camunda.cherry. You have a folder per collection, and processes in the collection.

Developer guide

This section focus on the development part, to create a new collection of connector/worker. The developer can choose two different pattern:

  • connector
  • worker

The connector pattern embed the Connector SDK Architecture

In the next part of the documentation, we use the term of Runner. A Runner is a Connector or a Worker.

Step-by-step guide

Create your new Spring Boot Maven project. Include in your pom.xml the library


Library is deployed in https://artifacts.camunda.com/ui/native/camunda-bpm-community-extensions/org/camunda/community/zeebe-cherry-framework

Includes artefacts

Check the pom.xml, and add the different artefacts

  • use spring-boot:run Add the spring-boot-maven-plugin dependency and the spring parent dependency

  • start.sh/start.bat Copy this two files in your collection

Setup the applications.properties


Embeded an existing connector

See the documentation relative to this pattern

Develop your own runner

Create a new Java class for your runner. Extends the class AbstractWorker for a Worker, AbstractConnector for a Connector

In doing that, you have to respect some rules:

  • Define the input and output of your runner. Which input does it need? Which output will it produce? This information is used to help the designer to understand how to use your runner and provide you comfort: if you declare that an input LONG is mandatory, then the framework checks for you its existence. When your code is called, you can be sure to have all you need.

  • Define the different BPMN Errors that your worker can return

The abstract class offer some additional function, as a collection of getInput() and setOutputValue() to access input and produce output data. To normalize log messages, logInfo() and logError() methods are available.

Camunda 8 does not manipulate files. The library offers a mechanism to manipulate them via different implementations. The designer can choose how he wants to save the file itself (in a JSON variable? On a shared disk? In a CMIS system, or in a database). Your runner does not need to handle that complexity. Just declare you need a file as Input or Output, and the library does the work.

For your information, the framework comes with some generic runner. It should be started by itself as a server.

Connector or Worker?

What is the difference between a Worker and a Connector? Actually, a Connector is used behind the scene for the Worker implementation.

The AbstractConnector implement the interface OutboundConnectorFunction. The main difference comes from parameters.

In a Worker, you access a list of variables. The worker's signature gets an object to access anything. The connector accepts one input, which is an object. This object may have multiple parameters. Same as output: a worker produces a list of Output values when the connector provides one object.

From the Designer's point of view, there is no difference in the usage.

From the Cherry Framework, it will handle both element in the same ways: this is a Runner


Let's create a new runner in your project. In order to keep the project consistent, some view rules has to be followed. The model is the collection message (org.camunda.cherry.message), and the worker SendMessageWorker.

  • The first level of the Cherry project is the collection name. Your connector must be attached in a collection, and may be under a sub collection. A collection is a package. For example, the runner SendMessage is under the collection message.

  • The worker must be suffixed by the name Worker, a connector by the name Connector. Example: Package is org.camunda.cherry.message, class is SendMessageWorker. If this class need another class, it can be saved under the same package, or under a sub package.

  • type name Convention: type should start by v-<collectionName>- to identify a Cherry connector and don't mixup with different connectors. It must follow the snake case convention (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake_case) Example: c-message-send.

  • README in each collection. This file explains all runners present in the collection. For each runner, this information has to be fulfilled:

    • the runner name
    • a description
    • the type
    • Inputs
    • Outputs
    • Errors the runner can throw.

Tutorial - step by step

Follow this tutorial to start your first Cherry collection


Create a project under Eclipse/Intellij, and use this skeleton to create your first project

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">


        <!-- Update this version to the last information -->



    <!-- Inherit defaults from Spring Boot -->


        <!-- Cherry framework -->    

        <!-- Zeebe Client -->


        <!-- Accept Camunda Connector -->

        <!-- Manipulate variables -->

        <!-- JSON LocalDateTime -->

        <!-- tests -->

            <!-- allow mvn run -->



Set up in the application.properties the connection the Zeebe server

# use a OnPremise Zeebe engine

and setup the Mustache Spring framework

# Spring Boot Configuration

Copy start.sh / start.bat

Copy these two files from the cherry framework

Start the framework

Start the framework by using the start.sh/start.bat, or run

mvn spring-boot:run

Access the page localhost:8080

Your first connector/worker

Create a Java Class. Check the example src/main/java/org/camunda/cherry/ping/PingWorker.java

Declare the class In your Java Class, add the @Component, and extends the AbstractWorker or the AbstractConnector

public class PingWorker extends AbstractWorker {

Constructor Declare in the constructor all the mandatory parameters

public PingWorker() {
            RunnerParameter.getInstance("message", "Message to log", String.class, RunnerParameter.Level.OPTIONAL, "Message to log, to ensure the worker was called"),
            RunnerParameter.getInstance("delay", "Delay in ms", Long.class, RunnerParameter.Level.OPTIONAL, "Delay to sleep, in milliseconds")
            RunnerParameter.getInstance(OUTPUT_TIMESTAMP, "Time stamp", String.class, RunnerParameter.Level.REQUIRED, "Produce a timestamp")

Let's review parameters per parameters "c-ping" The first parameter is the type. This is referenced in the service task, and the worker will catch all jobs related to this type

List of Inputs

RunnerParameter.getInstance("message", "Message to log", String.class, RunnerParameter.Level.OPTIONAL, "Message to log, to ensure the worker was called"),
RunnerParameter.getInstance("delay", "Delay in ms", Long.class, RunnerParameter.Level.OPTIONAL, "Delay to sleep, in milliseconds")

Give a list of Input that your worker expect. Each parameter has:

  • a name (message)
  • a label (Message to log). This label is visible in the Element Template for example
  • a type. Multiple getter are available to access variables
  • a description

List of outputs Same as input, a list of outputs is required. This list will explain what your connector returns.

     Arrays.asList(RunnerParameter.getInstance("timestamp", "Time stamp", String.class, RunnerParameter.Level.REQUIRED, "Produce a timestamp")

List of BPMN Errors Give the list of BPMN Error that your provide. This list will be available in the documentation.

Optional method You can override different method:

     public String getName() {
        return "MyConnector";

    public String getLabel() {
        return "My First Connector";

    public String getDescription() {
        return "Verify that the connector is visible in the Modeler via the template, and is executed correctly.";

    public String getLogo() {
        return WORKERLOGO;

    private static final String WORKERLOGO = "data:image/svg+xml,%3C?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?%3E%3Csvg   xmlns:dc='http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'   xmlns:cc='http://creativecommons.org/ns%23'   xmlns:rdf='http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns%23'   xmlns:svg='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'   xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'   version='1.1'   id='Capa_1'   x='0px'   y='0px'   viewBox='0 0 18 18'   xml:space='preserve'   width='18'   height='18'%3E%3Cmetadata   id='metadata55'%3E%3Crdf:RDF%3E%3Ccc:Work       rdf:about=''%3E%3Cdc:format%3Eimage/svg+xml%3C/dc:format%3E%3Cdc:type         rdf:resource='http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage' /%3E%3Cdc:title%3E%3C/dc:title%3E%3C/cc:Work%3E%3C/rdf:RDF%3E%3C/metadata%3E%3Cdefs   id='defs53' /%3E%3Cg   id='g18'   transform='scale(0.3)'%3E %3Cpath   d='M 30,0 C 13.458,0 0,13.458 0,30 0,46.542 13.458,60 30,60 46.542,60 60,46.542 60,30 60,13.458 46.542,0 30,0 Z m 0,58 C 14.561,58 2,45.439 2,30 2,14.561 14.561,2 30,2 45.439,2 58,14.561 58,30 58,45.439 45.439,58 30,58 Z'   id='path2' /%3E %3Cpath   d='M 23.165,8.459 C 23.702,8.329 24.033,7.789 23.904,7.253 23.775,6.716 23.234,6.387 22.698,6.514 18.763,7.46 15.176,9.469 12.322,12.323 9.468,15.177 7.46,18.764 6.514,22.698 c -0.129,0.536 0.202,1.076 0.739,1.206 0.078,0.019 0.157,0.027 0.234,0.027 0.451,0 0.861,-0.308 0.972,-0.767 0.859,-3.575 2.685,-6.836 5.277,-9.429 2.592,-2.593 5.854,-4.417 9.429,-5.276 z'   id='path4' /%3E %3Cpath   d='m 52.747,36.096 c -0.538,-0.129 -1.077,0.201 -1.206,0.739 -0.859,3.575 -2.685,6.836 -5.277,9.429 -2.592,2.593 -5.854,4.418 -9.43,5.277 -0.537,0.13 -0.868,0.67 -0.739,1.206 0.11,0.459 0.521,0.767 0.972,0.767 0.077,0 0.156,-0.009 0.234,-0.027 3.936,-0.946 7.523,-2.955 10.377,-5.809 2.854,-2.854 4.862,-6.441 5.809,-10.376 0.128,-0.536 -0.203,-1.076 -0.74,-1.206 z'   id='path6' /%3E %3Cpath   d='m 24.452,13.286 c 0.538,-0.125 0.873,-0.663 0.747,-1.2 -0.125,-0.538 -0.665,-0.878 -1.2,-0.747 -3.09,0.72 -5.904,2.282 -8.141,4.52 -2.237,2.236 -3.8,5.051 -4.52,8.141 -0.126,0.537 0.209,1.075 0.747,1.2 0.076,0.019 0.152,0.026 0.228,0.026 0.454,0 0.865,-0.312 0.973,-0.773 0.635,-2.725 2.014,-5.207 3.986,-7.18 1.972,-1.973 4.456,-3.352 7.18,-3.987 z'   id='path8' /%3E %3Cpath   d='m 48.661,36.001 c 0.126,-0.537 -0.209,-1.075 -0.747,-1.2 -0.538,-0.133 -1.075,0.209 -1.2,0.747 -0.635,2.725 -2.014,5.207 -3.986,7.18 -1.972,1.973 -4.455,3.352 -7.18,3.986 -0.538,0.125 -0.873,0.663 -0.747,1.2 0.107,0.462 0.519,0.773 0.973,0.773 0.075,0 0.151,-0.008 0.228,-0.026 3.09,-0.72 5.904,-2.282 8.141,-4.52 2.236,-2.236 3.798,-5.05 4.518,-8.14 z'   id='path10' /%3E %3Cpath   d='m 26.495,16.925 c -0.119,-0.541 -0.653,-0.879 -1.19,-0.763 -4.557,0.997 -8.146,4.586 -9.143,9.143 -0.118,0.539 0.224,1.072 0.763,1.19 0.072,0.016 0.144,0.023 0.215,0.023 0.46,0 0.873,-0.318 0.976,-0.786 0.831,-3.796 3.821,-6.786 7.617,-7.617 0.538,-0.118 0.88,-0.651 0.762,-1.19 z'   id='path12' /%3E %3Cpath   d='m 43.838,34.695 c 0.118,-0.539 -0.224,-1.072 -0.763,-1.19 -0.54,-0.118 -1.072,0.222 -1.19,0.763 -0.831,3.796 -3.821,6.786 -7.617,7.617 -0.539,0.118 -0.881,0.651 -0.763,1.19 0.103,0.468 0.516,0.786 0.976,0.786 0.071,0 0.143,-0.008 0.215,-0.023 4.556,-0.997 8.145,-4.586 9.142,-9.143 z'   id='path14' /%3E %3Cpath   d='m 38.08,30 c 0,-4.455 -3.625,-8.08 -8.08,-8.08 -4.455,0 -8.08,3.625 -8.08,8.08 0,4.455 3.625,8.08 8.08,8.08 4.455,0 8.08,-3.625 8.08,-8.08 z M 30,36.08 c -3.353,0 -6.08,-2.728 -6.08,-6.08 0,-3.352 2.728,-6.08 6.08,-6.08 3.352,0 6.08,2.728 6.08,6.08 0,3.352 -2.727,6.08 -6.08,6.08 z'   id='path16' /%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg   id='g20'%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg   id='g22'%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg   id='g24'%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg   id='g26'%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg   id='g28'%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg   id='g30'%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg   id='g32'%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg   id='g34'%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg   id='g36'%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg   id='g38'%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg   id='g40'%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg   id='g42'%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg   id='g44'%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg   id='g46'%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg   id='g48'%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg   id='g85'   transform='matrix(1.1259408,0,0,1.1259408,33.760593,8.6647721)'%3E%3Cpath     d='m -15.969199,-1.3973349 c -0.04428,0.56592004 -0.49572,0.83754004 -0.58752,0.88722004 -0.4887,0.26676 -1.31112,0.17388 -1.70856,-0.38556 -0.21924,-0.30780004 -0.3294,-0.79758004 -0.1161,-1.13670004 l 0.0027,-0.0054 c 0.07668,-0.12474 0.25434,-0.33534 0.58212,-0.34236 h 0.01188 c 0.11718,0 0.25218,0.03564 0.37152,0.06696 0.0837,0.02214 0.15606,0.04104 0.21006,0.04482 0.03402,0.00216 0.08262,-0.00648 0.14418,-0.01728 0.18414,-0.0324 0.4914,-0.0864 0.76032,0.10368 0.36612,0.2597403 0.33156,0.76356 0.3294,0.78462 z'     id='path57'     style='fill:%23aa0000;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.3' /%3E%3Cpath     d='m -18.207499,-2.3007546 c -0.1053,0.07452 -0.17496,0.16686 -0.21708,0.2349 l -0.0027,0.00432 c -0.10908,0.17388 -0.13932,0.37584 -0.1188,0.57348 -0.0022,0.00108 -0.0043,0.00216 -0.0059,0.00378 -0.40014,0.3267 -0.85212,0.24246 -1.02762,0.19116 l -0.01026,-0.0027 c -0.5589,-0.13932 -1.11078,-0.74304 -1.00926,-1.38618 0.05616,-0.35424 0.324,-0.7614 0.72792,-0.85428 0.06966,-0.0162 0.43362,-0.0837 0.7263,0.16146 0.08964,0.0756 0.15606,0.1857601 0.21438,0.28296 0.04158,0.0702 0.07776,0.13014 0.11718,0.16956 0.02538,0.02538 0.06966,0.05022 0.12582,0.08208 0.1647,0.09234 0.4131,0.2322001 0.4779,0.53352 5.4e-4,0.00216 0.0011,0.00432 0.0022,0.00594 z'     id='path59'     style='fill:%23aa0000;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.3' /%3E%3Cpath     d='m -17.110219,-2.3309949 c -0.03186,0.0054 -0.05994,0.00918 -0.07992,0.00918 -0.0032,0 -0.0065,-5.4e-4 -0.0092,-5.4e-4 -0.01512,-0.00108 -0.03294,-0.00324 -0.05184,-0.00702 0.16578,-0.42336 0.23436,-1.10052 -0.34182,-1.95804 -0.0011,-0.00216 -0.0027,-0.00378 -0.0049,-0.0054 0.03348,-0.13284 0.04482,-0.22572 0.04752,-0.2484 0.0016,-0.01512 -0.0092,-0.02808 -0.02376,-0.0297 -0.01512,-0.00216 -0.02808,0.00918 -0.0297,0.02376 -0.0065,0.05778 -0.07128,0.5788801 -0.4347,1.0416602 -0.22734,0.28944 -0.58536,0.5049 -0.70902,0.56646 -0.01134,-0.00756 -0.02106,-0.01512 -0.02754,-0.0216 -0.01782,-0.01782 -0.0351,-0.04104 -0.05292,-0.06858 0.01026,-0.0054 0.02106,-0.01134 0.0324,-0.01728 0.12906,-0.06912 0.34506,-0.1841401 0.60858,-0.4600801 0.31158,-0.32616 0.37098,-0.82566 0.2835,-0.96174 -0.04212,-0.06588 -0.10962,-0.07236 -0.16362,-0.07722 -0.07074,-0.00594 -0.1134,-0.01026 -0.12096,-0.10638 -0.007,-0.0837 0.0324,-0.15768 0.1107,-0.20736 0.1053,-0.0675 0.29376,-0.0891 0.47628,0.01458 0.11394,0.06426 0.11286,0.17388 0.11232,0.27972 -5.4e-4,0.07074 -0.0011,0.1377 0.03402,0.18576 l 0.01512,0.02052 c 0.0864,0.1171801 0.28836,0.3904201 0.40932,0.86724 0.12906,0.5102999 0.007,0.9752399 -0.07992,1.1604599 z'     id='path61'     style='fill:%23502d16;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.3' /%3E%3Cpath     d='m -18.698899,-4.5455348 c -0.0043,0.00216 -0.0086,0.00324 -0.01296,0.00324 -0.0097,0 -0.0189,-0.0054 -0.02376,-0.01404 -5.4e-4,-5.4e-4 -0.03834,-0.06804 -0.10638,-0.13014 -0.01134,-0.00972 -0.01188,-0.027 -0.0022,-0.0378 0.01026,-0.01134 0.027,-0.01188 0.03834,-0.00216 0.07506,0.06804 0.11556,0.14094 0.11718,0.14418 0.0076,0.01296 0.0027,0.02916 -0.01026,0.03672 z'     id='path63'     style='stroke-width:0.3' /%3E%3Cpath     d='m -18.644359,-4.0309149 c -0.05616,0.06642 -0.08532,0.0783 -0.1296,0.09612 l -0.01404,0.00594 c -0.0032,0.00162 -0.007,0.00216 -0.01026,0.00216 -0.0108,0 -0.02052,-0.00648 -0.02484,-0.01674 -0.0059,-0.0135 5.4e-4,-0.0297 0.01458,-0.0351 l 0.01404,-0.00594 c 0.0405,-0.01674 0.06102,-0.02538 0.10908,-0.081 0.0097,-0.01188 0.027,-0.01296 0.03834,-0.00324 0.01134,0.00972 0.01242,0.02646 0.0027,0.0378 z'     id='path65'     style='stroke-width:0.3' /%3E%3Cpath     d='m -17.948839,-4.4391548 c -0.01404,-0.02214 -0.0324,-0.03402 -0.05292,-0.0405 -0.07182,0.09666 -0.32454,0.243 -0.57834,0.243 -0.0675,0 -0.13554,-0.01026 -0.1998,-0.03456 -0.1728,-0.06588 -0.29106,-0.15768 -0.40554,-0.24624 -0.09072,-0.07074 -0.17658,-0.13716 -0.28134,-0.18252 -0.01404,-0.00648 -0.01998,-0.02214 -0.01404,-0.03564 0.0059,-0.01404 0.0216,-0.01998 0.03564,-0.01404 0.1107,0.0486 0.19926,0.11664 0.29268,0.18954 0.11124,0.0864 0.2268,0.1755 0.3915,0.23814 0.16794,0.06372 0.3564,0.02214 0.4995,-0.04212 -0.06156,-0.19008 -0.45954,-0.76842 -1.11564,-0.6210001 -0.10152,0.02268 -0.19008,0.04374 -0.26784,0.0621 -0.3294,0.07722 -0.47034,0.11016 -0.61668,0.07128 0.0135,0.06804 0.04914,0.12582 0.10584,0.17226 0.1134,0.09126 0.2781,0.11394 0.3564,0.11502 -0.03996,-0.04536 -0.08262,-0.07452 -0.135,-0.09288 -0.01404,-0.00486 -0.0216,-0.01998 -0.01674,-0.03402 0.0049,-0.01458 0.02052,-0.0216 0.03456,-0.01674 0.1701,0.05994 0.2484,0.21222 0.37476,0.5227201 0.1323,0.32508 0.59508,0.62802 0.97038,0.5157 0.38232,-0.11448 0.37584,-0.51732 0.3753,-0.52164 0,-0.0108 0.0065,-0.02106 0.0162,-0.02538 0.02538,-0.01134 0.15552,-0.07074 0.24732,-0.15714 0.0016,-0.00162 0.0032,-0.0027 0.0049,-0.0027 v -5.4e-4 c -0.0043,-0.02646 -0.01188,-0.04752 -0.02106,-0.0621 m -0.89532,-0.2851201 c 0.01026,-0.01134 0.027,-0.01188 0.03834,-0.00216 0.07506,0.06804 0.11556,0.14094 0.11718,0.14418 0.0076,0.01296 0.0027,0.02916 -0.01026,0.03672 -0.0043,0.00216 -0.0086,0.00324 -0.01296,0.00324 -0.0097,0 -0.0189,-0.0054 -0.02376,-0.01404 -5.4e-4,-5.4e-4 -0.03834,-0.06804 -0.10638,-0.13014 -0.01134,-0.00972 -0.01188,-0.027 -0.0022,-0.0378 m -0.45468,0.36774 c -0.0011,0 -0.01674,0.0027 -0.04752,0.0027 -0.0243,0 -0.05724,-0.00162 -0.09936,-0.00702 -0.01512,-0.00162 -0.02538,-0.01512 -0.02322,-0.03024 0.0016,-0.01458 0.01512,-0.02484 0.03024,-0.02322 0.08748,0.01134 0.13014,0.00486 0.13068,0.00486 0.01458,-0.0027 0.02862,0.00702 0.03078,0.02214 0.0027,0.01458 -0.007,0.02808 -0.0216,0.03078 m 0.65448,0.32562 c -0.05616,0.06642 -0.08532,0.0783 -0.1296,0.09612 l -0.01404,0.00594 c -0.0032,0.00162 -0.007,0.00216 -0.01026,0.00216 -0.0108,0 -0.02052,-0.00648 -0.02484,-0.01674 -0.0059,-0.0135 5.4e-4,-0.0297 0.01458,-0.0351 l 0.01404,-0.00594 c 0.0405,-0.01674 0.06102,-0.02538 0.10908,-0.081 0.0097,-0.01188 0.027,-0.01296 0.03834,-0.00324 0.01134,0.00972 0.01242,0.02646 0.0027,0.0378 z'     id='path67'     style='fill:%23008000;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.3' /%3E%3Cpath     d='m -19.277239,-4.3873149 c 0.0027,0.01458 -0.007,0.02808 -0.0216,0.03078 -0.0011,0 -0.01674,0.0027 -0.04752,0.0027 -0.0243,0 -0.05724,-0.00162 -0.09936,-0.00702 -0.01512,-0.00162 -0.02538,-0.01512 -0.02322,-0.03024 0.0016,-0.01458 0.01512,-0.02484 0.03024,-0.02322 0.08748,0.01134 0.13014,0.00486 0.13068,0.00486 0.01458,-0.0027 0.02862,0.00702 0.03078,0.02214 z'     id='path69'     style='stroke-width:0.3' /%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E";

    public String getLogo() {
        return WORKERLOGO;

The logo must be a SVG image.

Execute Then here you are: the execute method!

public void execute(final JobClient jobClient, final ActivatedJob activatedJob, ContextExecution contextExecution) {
   String message = getInputStringValue("message", null, activatedJob);
   Long delay = getInputLongValue("delay", null, activatedJob);
   setOutputValue("timestamp", formattedDate, contextExecution);

You have different method to access the input, in the correct class. To produce the result, use a setOutput method. This method verify that you respect the Output contract.

File management C8 does not propose any solution to manipulate file. Cherry propose a solution, to store files in different location, and to access it. The storage can be

  • in the temporary folder (which is nice, except if you are working in a Kubernetes cluster with different server/pod),
  • in a specific folder. Then you can mount this location over different server/pod
  • as a process variable, encoding the variable. But Zeebe limit the variable size to 4 Mb
  • in a CMIS repository.

When you want to save a file for the first time, you need to specify the location. This is the Storage definition. Cherry use this storage definition to do the job. A process variable is then calculated to access the file.

setOutputFileVariableValue("MyFile", storageDefinition, fileVariable, contextExecution);

To access the file, just use the method

FileVariable fileVariable = getInputFileVariableValue("MyFile", activatedJob);

Cherry will do the job to load the file where it is.

Access the Element Template

Restart the Cherry framework. Your connector appears in the dashboard, and the Element Template file can be download.

You can download the complete collection, to save for the desktop Modeler

Or you can access the definition worker per worker, to create a connector template in the Web Modeler. One connector template must be created one by obne.


Java class test follows the same architecture, test/java/org.camunda.cherry.<CollectionName>.

Process test should be saved under test/resources/<collectionName>. For example, the SendMessage.bpmn test process is saved under main/resources/message


Implementation works with the Contract concept.

A runner implementation is based on a skeleton, the abstract class AbstractWorker. A typical implementation immediately call the parent class for each handleWorkerExecution:

@ZeebeWorker(type = "v-pdf-convert-to", autoComplete = true)
public void handleWorkerExecution(final JobClient jobClient, final ActivatedJob activatedJob) {
super.handleWorkerExecution(jobClient, activatedJob);

A Runner defines a set of expected variables, the INPUT. For each input, a level (OPTIONAL,REQUIRED), and a type (String? Double?) are provided.

The abstract class checks the requirement. If the contract is not respected, then a BPMN error is thrown.

So, when the method execution is called, implementation is sure that all required information is provided

public void execute(final JobClient jobClient, final ActivatedJob activatedJob) {

On the opposite, the Runner declares the list of Output variables it will be created. The abstract class checks that all output variables is correctly produced by the Runner, no more, no less. Suppose the output contract is not respected (you forgot one variable, or you provided an undeclared variable), a BPMN error is thrown.

A contract is very useful:

  • As a developer, you don't need to worry about the existence of the variable. If you ask it, you will have it during the execution.
  • As a designer, all Input and Output variables for a Runner are declared and documented.

This implied the implementation declare Inputs and Outputs

public OfficeToPdfWorker() {
    AbstractWorker.WorkerParameter.getInstance(INPUT_SOURCE_FILE, Object.class, Level.REQUIRED, "FileVariable for the file to convert"),
    AbstractWorker.WorkerParameter.getInstance(INPUT_SOURCE_STORAGEDEFINITION, String.class, Level.REQUIRED, "Storage Definition use to access the file"),
    AbstractWorker.WorkerParameter.getInstance(INPUT_DESTINATION_FILE_NAME, String.class, Level.REQUIRED, "Destination file name"),
    AbstractWorker.WorkerParameter.getInstance(INPUT_DESTINATION_STORAGEDEFINITION, String.class, Level.REQUIRED, "Storage Definition use to describe how to save the file")
    AbstractWorker.WorkerParameter.getInstance(OUTPUT_DESTINATION_FILE, Object.class, Level.REQUIRED, "FileVariable converted")

To simplify the implementation, a set of getter() is provided to access any input.

public String getInputStringValue(String parameterName, String defaultValue, final ActivatedJob activatedJob) {
public Double getInputDoubleValue(String parameterName, Double defaultValue, final ActivatedJob activatedJob) {

and a setValue() is provided too. This method must be used to set any output: the contract verification track the information you produce here.

Manipulating files

Zeebe does not provide any mechanism to manipulate files.

Cherry project offers a mechanism, the storage definition. Two methods are available:

public FileVariable getFileVariableValue(String parameterName, String storageDefinition, final ActivatedJob activatedJob) {

public void setFileVariableValue(String parameterName, String storageDefinition, FileVariable fileVariableValue) {

These methods exploit the storageDefinition and save or retrieve the file for the Runner.