
GraphQL API for Zeebe data

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ZeeQS - Zeebe Query Service


Compatible with: Camunda Platform 8


This community extension is unmaintained and outdated. It may not support new Camunda versions.

Thank you to all contributors for making it a great extension. 🎉

A Zeebe community extension that provides a GraphQL query API over Zeebe's data. The data is imported from the broker using the Hazelcast exporter and aggregated in the service.

architecture view

🚀 Install


The docker image is published to GitHub Packages .

Run the following command to start the application:

docker run -p 9000:9000 ghcr.io/camunda-community-hub/zeeqs:latest
  • Ensure that a Zeebe broker is running with a Hazelcast exporter
  • Forward the Hazelcast port to the docker container (default: 5701)
  • Configure the connection to Hazelcast (default: localhost:5701)
    • zeebe.client.worker.hazelcast.connection (application.yaml)

Or, if you run it on your local machine (Linux only):

docker run --network="host" ghcr.io/camunda-community-hub/zeeqs:latest

After the application is started, the GraphQL endpoint is available under http://localhost:9000/graphql.

Go to http://localhost:9000/graphiql and explore the GraphQL API using GraphiQL.

Docker Compose

For a local setup, the repository contains a docker-compose file. It contains multiple profiles for different configurations.

Use an in-memory database (H2):

docker-compose --profile in-memory up

Use a PostgreSQL database:

docker-compose --profile postgres up

After the application is started, the GraphQL endpoint is available under http://localhost:9000/graphql.

Go to http://localhost:9000/graphiql and explore the GraphQL API using GraphiQL.


By default, the API endpoint is available under the port 9000. And the database is only in-memory (i.e. not persistent).

To configure the application, look at the application.yml and the docker-compose file. See here on how to configure a Spring Boot application in general.

✨ Usage

The application provides a GraphQL endpoint under /graphql.

You can query the API via HTTP POST request and a JSON body containing the query.

For example:

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{ "query": "{ processes { nodes { key } } }" }' \

The best way to explore and inspect the GraphQL API is to use the integrated web-based tool GraphiQL. It is available under http://localhost:9000/graphiql.


The GraphQL API provides the following queries:

Example query

Query all processes including their number of process instances:

    processes {
        nodes {
            processInstances {


  "data": {
    "processes": {
      "totalCount": 3,
      "nodes": [
          "key": "2251799813685249",
          "bpmnProcessId": "demo-process",
          "version": 1,
          "processInstances": {
            "totalCount": 3
          "key": "2251799813685251",
          "bpmnProcessId": "demo-2",
          "version": 1,
          "processInstances": {
            "totalCount": 2
          "key": "2251799813685269",
          "bpmnProcessId": "demo-3",
          "version": 1,
          "processInstances": {
            "totalCount": 1


In order to limit the response size and the query processing, each list query uses pagination to return only a subset of the data. By default, it returns the first 10 items of the list.

In addition to the items, the query result contains also the total count of the items.

    processes(perPage: 10, page: 0) {
        nodes {


Some queries allow to filter the result by passing arguments in the query.

    processInstances(stateIn: [ACTIVATED]) {
        nodes {


The GraphQL API provides the following subscriptions:

The subscriptions are exposed via WebSockets over the same endpoint /graphql.

Example subscription

Subscribe to any updates of process instances:

subscription {
    processInstanceUpdates {
        processInstance {


  "data": {
    "processInstanceUpdates": {
      "processInstance": {
        "key": "2251799813685251",
        "state": "ACTIVATED"
      "updateType": "ELEMENT_INSTANCE"

Build from Source

Build with Maven

mvn clean install

Code of Conduct

This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Read more about the Camunda Community Code of Conduct and how to report unacceptable behavior.


Apache License, Version 2.0