
Recasting "date and time" results in null

Closed this issue ยท 7 comments

Describe the bug
Evaluate the following FEEL expression

{   builtin_now: now(),   builtin_now_again: date and time(builtin_now) }

built_now_again comes out null

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Expression with redundant 'date and time' casting:
{ builtin_now: now(), builtin_now_again: date and time(builtin_now) }

Results in:

Expression without redundant casting:
{ builtin_now: now(), builtin_now_again: builtin_now }

Results correctly:

DMN example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions xmlns="" xmlns:dmndi="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:modeler="" id="Definitions_1dyiz3a" name="DRD" namespace="" exporter="Camunda Modeler" exporterVersion="5.12.0" modeler:executionPlatform="Camunda Cloud" modeler:executionPlatformVersion="8.2.0">
  <decision id="Decision_0kdaoiu" name="Decision 1">
    <variable id="InformationItem_1ely7et" name="test" />
    <literalExpression id="LiteralExpression_08ot0qg">

{   builtin_now: now(),   builtin_now_again: date and time(builtin_now) }
      <dmndi:DMNShape id="DMNShape_0u9e1z6" dmnElementRef="Decision_0kdaoiu">
        <dc:Bounds height="80" width="180" x="160" y="100" />

Expected behavior
builtin_now_again should equal builtin_now

Avoid redundant casting

Seems like there's a case missing in datetime function in ConversionBuiltinFunctions.
The warning output we get is:

15:14:10.596 [main] WARN org.camunda.feel.FeelEngine โ€“ Suppressed failure: illegal arguments: List(ValDateTime(2023-07-28T15:14:10.593081-04:00[America/New_York]))


  • FEEL engine version: 1.16.0


ZPA triage:

  • severity: unable to use conversion function from date and time to date and time
  • bug seems reasonable to resolve
  • expected size: small
  • marking as later
  • might be interesting as a mob programming topic

Is this really a bug ? Looking at the documentation the date and time function accept only string object. The behaviour of the function is correct from my perspective.

Very valid point @nicpuppa. I think we can safely assume this is a feature request and not a bug.
@saig0 since you are the stakeholder/codeowner, kindly have a look on this feature request.

Moving this issue to blocked since we are waiting for stakeholders' feedback

saig0 commented

@abbasadel I tend to reject this feature request.


  • I see no relevant use case for extending the built-in function date and time() to accept a date-and-time value and return it as it is. If there is a use case, please share it to demonstrate the need.
  • Without a good use case, it is unlike that the DMN spec will adopt this change. As a result, this function will end up as a Camunda extension. We prefer to stay close to the DMN spec.
  • There are no other built-in functions that behave like the expected behavior of this request. We should aim for a consistent behavior of all built-in functions to keep FEEL "friendly" (i.e. easy to use).

I recommend rethinking how the expressions are modeled.

Thanks @saig0 for your feedback. What you said makes sense to me.

saig0 commented

It seems that we have an agreement that we don't want to add the requested function. Let's close the issue.