- 2
remove function duplicate the list
#957 opened by mdouaihy - 1
- 11
Add function to parse an escaped JSON string
#825 opened by skayliu - 3
- 1
Add `partition` function that allows to partitioning of collections in an easy way
#881 opened by sbuettner - 0
Conversion function string -> boolean
#943 opened by jonathanlukas - 2
- 0
Fail to parse nested for-loop expression
#940 opened by saig0 - 1
- 2
Support immediate invocation of a function
#818 opened by barmac - 0
I can fail an evaluation
#888 opened by saig0 - 2
Incorrect escaping in strings
#879 opened by StrekoZ - 0
FEEL engine replaces regex expressions in output
#883 opened by mboskamp - 0
- 12
- 0
union() doesn't work for context items
#772 opened by saig0 - 0
duplicate values() doesn't work for context items
#773 opened by saig0 - 0
distinct values() doesn't work for context items
#771 opened by saig0 - 0
Fail to parse expression with NBSP character
#840 opened by saig0 - 0
- 1
- 7
[Bug] Incorrect/inconsistent unary test evaluation when nulls are involved.
#864 opened by spearsandshields - 1
- 3
- 0
- 1
The evaluation of `substring()` fails if the length is greater than the given string
#801 opened by saig0 - 0
The FeelEngineBuilder is not usable from Java
#724 opened by saig0 - 3
Unexpected filter behaviour when using same value for iteration variable and context item
#877 opened by jjettenCamunda - 4
Extending variable naming convention
#884 opened by vicmosin - 2
Defining and invoking a user defined function in a process context does not work
#874 opened by jphillips-bp3 - 0
The `context()` function doesn't work for a list with a value with a custom context
#856 opened by saig0 - 0
Add function to check if a list is empty
#805 opened by saig0 - 1
Ammonite REPL fails to parse expressions
#848 opened by jonaf - 0
Support encoding of strings to base64
#846 opened by sbuettner - 2
Update release procedure
#732 opened by saig0 - 1
- 2
Add built-in function to generate an UUID
#796 opened by michaelarnauts - 1
Add Trim function for whitespace stripping
#815 opened by jjettenCamunda - 1
I can't interrupt an expression evaluation
#823 opened by vicmosin - 2
Significant performance degradation of expressions' evaluation switching from 1.16 to 1.17
#814 opened by eugene-furs - 1
- 1
- 1
- 3
- 3
Unary tests behave different when evaluated directly or via an expression using the keyword "in"
#768 opened by till-stadtler - 2
Double quotes in string literal are escaped
#778 opened by StrekoZ - 1
Docs Search is broken
#759 opened by mschoe - 0
string() function wraps a string into a string value
#747 opened by saig0 - 0
string() function returns a string for a null value
#748 opened by saig0 - 1