
Update release procedure

saig0 opened this issue · 2 comments


Currently, the release procedure is documented in the "Release" issue template. Since the release switched from Jenkin to GitHub actions, the procedure is not correct anymore.

Update the procedure based on the notes of the 1.17.0 release.


  • Create a new branch release-1.17.0 from main
  • Push branch
  • Open release workflow
  • Run workflow with:
    • from branch: main
    • release branch: release-1.17.0
    • release version: 1.17.0
    • next version: 1.18.0-SNAPSHOT
  • Wait until workflow is finished
  • Release the version in Nexus:
  • Go to and edit the draft release
    • Generate release notes
    • Remove doc and other not code relevant PRs
    • Rephrase PR titles
    • Sort PRs by feat, fix, chore, build + dependencies
    • Publish the release
  • (if major/minor release) append the changelog in the documentation for the released version
    • mention the new features
    • commit the change
  •  (if major/minor release) archive the documentation of the previous version
    • Run npm run docusaurus docs:version 1.17
    • Update the versions in the configuration /docs/docusaurus.config.js
      • set the latest version in docs > lastVersion
      • set the current version in docs > versions > current > label
      • set the supported versions in docs > versions (enable/disable the "unmaintained version" banner)
  • Update the version that is used by the FEEL REPL script / under import $
  • Open a PR and assign a reviewer
  • After the PR is merged, create a new branch 1.17

Read here on how to trigger a GitHub workflow from a Camunda process.

I modeled the new release process as a BPMN process here. It is deployed in Camunda SaaS.

I tested the process for the release 1.17.7 and it worked. ✔️

The release process can be started via Tasklist. I saved the link in the #ask-dmn-feel Slack channel. 🚀