Demo code used in this talk. Go here to know more about Zeebe.

  • docker-compose.yml: docker configuration for
    • zeebe cluster with 3 brokers and 1 gateway
    • grafana and prometheus for monitoring
    • client application for generating work
  • client-app:
    • starter : A java application that sends create workflow instance request at a fixed rate to the zeebe cluster.
    • worker: A java application that activates and completes jobs
  • docker and docker-compose
  • Java (to build the client application)
  • Start brokers and gateway
    docker-compose up -d zeebe-0 zeebe-1 zeebe-2 gateway

  • To execute the client application:

    • Build client application in client-app/
      mvn install
    • Start the clients
      docker-compose up -d starter worker
    • Alternatively, run the client applications locally
      java -jar client-app/targer/starter.jar
  • Start grafana
    docker-compose up -d prometheus grafana

  • Open grafana localhost:3000

    • login with admin:pass
    • Open dashboard Zeebe
    • After you started the client applications, you can see if workflow instances are being created and completed in the dashboard. Wait for a minute, if you don't see anything immediately.
  • Check Zeebe cluster status
    docker-compose exec gateway zbctl status
    Or, if you have zbctl locally
    zbctl status
    The result will look similar to the following.

Cluster size: 3
Partitions count: 2
Replication factor: 3
  Broker 0 -
    Partition 1 : Leader
    Partition 2 : Follower
  Broker 1 -
    Partition 1 : Follower
    Partition 2 : Follower
  Broker 2 -
    Partition 1 : Follower
    Partition 2 : Leader
  • To stop a broker
    docker-compose stop zeebe-2

  • Restart the stopped broker by
    docker-compose start zeebe-2

  • Clean everything by docker-compose down -v