
A Django application for sending better Shortcut notifications to Slack

Primary LanguagePython

Shortcut Messenger

Shortcut Messenger is a Django app to enable teams to automatically notify each other of changes in Shortcut that are important to them. Shortcut does not notify when ticket state is changed or labels are added, and this can be an important part of a team's communication mechanisms.

What does it actually do, though?

The application currently provides a webhook endpoint for receiving Shortcut events defined by their V1 webhook API. These events are parsed for specific use cases and used to send messages to particular channels in Slack.

Supported Events

  • Moving a ticket to a state called "Needs Testing"
  • Add a label called "UAT: Not Approved" to a ticket

Feature Roadmap

  • Send messages to Slack channels
  • Allow configuring the events that trigger messages and the channels they go to
  • Allow Slack users to receive messages specific to them

Local Setup

  • Create a virtualenv running Python ^3.10

    pyenv virtualenv 3.10.1 shortcut-messenger

  • Install poetry

    pip install poetry

  • Installed project dependencies

    poetry install

  • Copy the .env.example to .env and configure the values as needed

    cp .env.example .env

  • Migrate and run the application like any other Django app!

To test webhook receival locally, ngrok can be used.

Deploy to Cloud Run

Build and Deploy

The project is designed to be be deployed and run using GCP Cloud Run. To build/deploy in this way, configure your gcloud CLI tool and run

gcloud run deploy service-name --source .

Configure Secrets and Variables

  • Add the domain created by GCP for you servcie to an environment variable as ALLOWED_HOSTS=["<domain>"]
  • Add the following secrets to the GCP Secret Manager and link them to the deployed service
    • SECRET_KEY - your Django application secret key
    • SLACK_SIGNING_KEY - your Slack app's signing key
    • SLACK_BOT_TOKEN - your Slack bot's auth token
    • SHORTCUT_SECRET - The signing secret provied to Shortcut

Add to Shortcut

To add this as a webhook application in shortcut, go to the integrations settings page in Shortcut, and add the domain for this application pointing to the path https://yourdomain.dev/shortcut/events