#Stock trend prediction system 这是一个股票趋势预测系统,前后端分离架构。
- 前端单页面响应式设计,用的Angular
- 后端使用Django + Django ReST Framework 提供Api供前端调用
- 后端R语言实现预测算法,通过Python调用。使用ANN,SVM等机器学习算法,随机森林选择参数,时间序列预测
########(The front is very simple)
- Provide hot stocks
- Predict stock trends(Support high concurrency, Asynchronous execution, Not repeat the calculation using redis cache)
- Perform a task when the market closed calculate the predicted results
- CORS support
- User System(Follow stock, Registration and login)
- Redis
- Django, Django ReST Framework
- djcelery
- corsheaders (Provided CORS)
- Nginx(Non-essential)
- npm, bower
#How to Start
- cd FRONT && bower install && npm install
- cd BACK && (With virtualenv and pip install requirement.txt)
- you can see the DemoPic directory
- Security