
An experimental deep learning framework for Nim based on a differentiable array programming language

Primary LanguageNimApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Exprgrad is an experimental deep learning framework for Nim based on a differentiable array programming language. Exprgrad makes creating and training neural networks easy:

import std/random
import exprgrad, exprgrad/layers/[base, dnn]

  net = input("x")
    .dense(2, 4).leakyRelu()  # 1st Layer
    .dense(4, 1).sigmoid()    # 2nd Layer
    .mse(input("y"))          # Loss
    .backprop(gradientDescent.makeOpt(rate=0.1)) # Train
  model = compile[float32](net)

  trainX = Tensor.new([4, 2], @[float32 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1])
  trainY = Tensor.new([4, 1], @[float32 0, 1, 1, 0])

for epoch in 0..<5000:
  model.apply("train", {"x": trainX, "y": trainY})

echo model.call("predict", {"x": trainX})

Because exprgrad is based on a custom differentiable programming language, we do not need to rely on its built in layers. Instead we can also specify the same model in terms of scalar operations on tensors.

# Layer 1
hidden*[y, x] ++= input("x")[y, it] * param([2, 4])[it, x] | (y, x, it)
hidden[y, x] ++= param([4])[x] | (y, x)
hiddenRelu*{it} ++= select(hidden{it} <= 0.0, 0.1 * hidden{it}, hidden{it}) | it
# Layer 2
output*[y, x] ++= hiddenRelu[y, it] * param([4, 1])[it, x] | (y, x, it)
output[y, x] ++= param([1])[x] | (y, x)
outputSigmoid*{it} ++= 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-output{it})) | it
let pred = outputSigmoid.target("predict")
loss*[0] ++= sq(pred{it} - input("y"){it}) | it # Loss

proc optim(param: var Fun, grad: Fun) =
  param{it} ++= -0.1 * grad{it} | it

let net = loss.target("loss").backprop(optim).target("train") # Train

let model = compile[float32](net)

Since exprgrad's compiler is able to derive any program written in its domain specific language, we do not need to specify a backwards pass. This allows you to iterate on custom layers quickly, while avoiding errors in the gradient computation. The model is optimized and compiled using a JIT compiler, enabling fast execution times. All layers provided by exprgrad are also implemented in the same way, allowing you to customize them easily.


Warning: Exprgrad is still very early in its development. Although all shown examples already work, bugs are expected and important features for training large models (especially Multithreading and GPU support) might still be missing. Please report any issues you might encounter.


$ sudo apt install llvm-13-dev
$ nimble install exprgrad

Note: Your version of Ubuntu may not have the llvm-13-dev package in its repositories. Follow the instructions at apt.llvm.org to install the required repository.

Fedora 36

$ sudo dnf install llvm13-devel
$ nimble install exprgrad

Fedora 35

$ sudo dnf install llvm-devel
$ nimble install exprgrad



Exprgrad's custom differentiable array programming language is used to specify all layers. It is a custom language which differs greatly from Nim both in syntax and semantics. Kernels/layers written in exprgrad's language are embedded in Nim programs and created using the ++= macro.

The language does not have functions, procedures or structured control flow. Instead each program is a single expression inside a series of implicitly specified nested loops. A simple program which multiplies two matrices looks like this:

proc matmul(a, b: Fun): Fun =
  result[y, x] ++= a[y, it] * b[it, x] | (y, x, it)

The same program in Nim would look like this:

proc `*`*[T](a, b: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] =
  result = Tensor[T].new([a.shape[0], b.shape[1]])
  for y in 0..<result.shape[0]:
    for it in 0..<a.shape[1]:
      for x in 0..<result.shape[1]:
        result[y, x] += a[y, it] * b[it, x]

As you can see, the program in exprgrad's domain-specific language is basically equivalent to the last line of the Nim program. The shape of the output tensor and the iteration ranges of all loops are inferred automatically.

In contrast to Nim, exprgrad's type system is very simple as it includes only four types.

Name Purpose
Scalar Floating point value. Is differentiable.
Index Integer value. Used to index into tensors.
Boolean Boolean value. Only used in select instructions.
Array[T] Fixed size array with items of type T.

Tensors may be accessed using the [] and {} operators. While [] allows you index into each dimension, {} gives you direct access to the data of the tensor. Because {} does not allow exprgrad to infer tensor shapes in all cases, [] should always be preferred over {}.

proc identity*(a: Fun): Fun =
  result{it} ++= a{it} | it

Literals for each type are available. Note that exprgrad does not have automatic type conversions. Scalar literals therefore must include a point (2.0 instead of 2) to differentiate them from Index literals.

proc double*(a: Fun): Fun =
  result{it} ++= a{it} * 2.0 | it

Variables from Nim may be included as static values. Only variables of type int, float64 and bool can be included.

proc `*`*(a: Fun, factor: float64): Fun =
  result{it} ++= a{it} * factor | it

Conditionals can be emulated using the select instruction. There is no guarantee that both branches are executed.

proc relu*(inp: Fun): Fun =
  result{it} ++= select(inp{it} >= 0.0, inp{it}, 0.0) | it

An expression may contain multiple statements separated using ;. This allows you to define variables using the let statement and use them later on.

proc tanh*(inp: Fun): Fun =
  result{it} ++= (
    let a = exp(inp{it});
    let b = exp(-inp{it});
    (a - b) / (a + b)
  ) | it

If exprgrad is not able to infer the shape of a tensor, it can be explicitly specified using withShape or copyShape. The argument to the withShape macro must be of the form [dim0, dim1, dim2, ...] where each dimension is a valid expression in exprgrad's language.

proc upsample2*(images: Fun): Fun =
  result[image, y, x, chan] ++= images[image, y div 2, x div 2, chan] | (image, y, x, chan)
    images.shape[1] * 2,
    images.shape[2] * 2,

If the output tensor is not yet declared, the * operator can be added after the tensor's name to declare it.

y*{it} ++= input("x"){it} * 2.0 | it

Sometimes you might want to use a custom gradient implementation instead of the one automatically generated by exprgrad. This is especially useful for ensuring numerical stability or improving performance. Inside the customGrad attribute, gradient tensors are referred to using the grad(tensor) instruction.

identity*{x} ++= inp{x} | x do:
    grad(inp){x} ++= inp{x} * grad(identity){x} | x

More examples can be found in the exprgrad/layers/base.nim and exprgrad/layers/dnn.nim modules.


In addition to the basic operators +, -, *, /, div, mod, ==, <, >, <= and >=, the following instructions are supported:

Instruction Description
sq(x) Computes the square of x
min(a, b) Returns the minimum of a and b
max(a, b) Returns the maximum of a and b
select(cond, a, b) Returns a if cond is true else returns b
sin(x) Returns the sine of x
cos(x) Returns the cosine of x
exp(x) Computes e ^ x
pow(a, b) Computes a ^ b
sqrt(x) Computes the square root of x
ln(x) Computes the natural logarithm of x
log2(x) Computes the logarithm of base 2 of x
log10(x) Computes the logarithm of base 10 of x
wrap(x, y) Computes (x mod y + y) mod y (∈ [0, y) ∩ ℤ)
toScalar(x) Converts x to a Scalar value
toIndex(x) Converts x to an Index value
tensor.shape[dim] Returns the size of dimension dim of tensor
tensor.len Returns the number of items in tensor
tensor.shape.len Returns the rank of tensor
epoch() Returns the current epoch stored in Model.epoch.
arr.len Returns the length of the given array.
arr[index] Gets the element stored at index in the array.

If you cannot find the instruction you are looking for, please open an issue.

Computation Graphs

Neural networks are represented as computation graphs. Each computation graph has a set of inputs which are provided to it at run time. They may be images the model is supposed to classify or a text whose sentiment it is supposed to predict. Each neural network also has a set of parameters. These are the internal values which are learned during backpropagation. Exprgrad refers to the output of a given computation as a target. A target might be the actual output of the network itself, but also the loss with respect to a training dataset or the action of updating the parameters of the network using gradient descent. In order to compute the value of a target, a series of kernels (layers) is executed. Additionally a computation graph may include a set of caches used to save the internal state of an optimizer and randomized tensors used as inputs to dropout layers.

proc param*(shape: openArray[int],
            initRange: HSlice[float64, float64] = -0.1..0.1,
            name: string = ""): Fun

Creates a new parameter with the given shape. Each parameter is randomly initialized with a uniform distribution in the range initRange after model compilation.

proc input*(name: string, shape: openArray[int] = []): Fun

Creates a new input with the given name. The sizes of static dimensions may be specified to enable compiler optimizations. If a shape is specified unknown dimensions should have the size -1.

Example: input("x", [-1, 28, 28, 1])

proc target*(fun: Fun, name: string): Fun

Creates a new target with the given name. Targets may be called using the Model.call, Model.apply or Model.fit procedures.

proc backwards*(fun: Fun): Fun

Lazily computes the gradients for all parameters of the given computation graph (fun) with respect to the given loss value fun. Unused gradients are not computed.

proc optimize*(gradients: Fun,
               params: HashSet[Fun],
               optim: proc (param: var Fun, grad: Fun)): Fun
proc optimize*(gradients: Fun, optim: proc (param: var Fun, grad: Fun)): Fun

Optimizes the given parameters using the given optimizer. Optimizers may be created using makeOpt. The Fun.params procedure may be used to find all parameters of a computation graph.

proc backprop*(loss: Fun, optim: proc (param: var Fun, grad: Fun)): Fun

Computes the gradients for all parameters of loss and optimizes them using the given optimizer. Optimizers may be created using makeOpt. Shortcut for loss.backwards().optimize(optim).

proc reshape*(fun: Fun, shape: openArray[int]): Fun

Changes the shape of the given tensor. Each reshape may include at most one unknown dimension, which should have the value -1. The length of the tensor must stay constant.

Example: x.reshape([-1, 28 * 28])

proc cond*(branches: openArray[(string, Fun)],
           otherwise: Fun = nil): Fun

Selects one of the inputs depending on which target should be evaluated. Useful for building complex architectures such as GANs.

macro makeOpt*(opt: typed, args: varargs[untyped]): untyped

Create an optimizer from procedure opt by setting all optional arguments of opt. The first two arguments to opt are the parameter to optimize and its gradient. They must have the types var Fun and Fun. opt may not return a value.

Example: adam.makeOpt(0.01, beta1=0.5)


proc compile*[T](graphs: varargs[Fun]): Model[T]

Compiles a computation graph to a model. The generic parameter T may be one of float32 or float64.

proc call*[T](model: Model[T],
              target: string,
              args: openArray[(string, Tensor[T])]): Tensor[T]

Computes the value of target for the inputs args.

proc apply*[T](model: Model[T],
               target: string,
               args: openArray[(string, Tensor[T])])

Computes target and discards its value. This procedure is useful for optimizing simple models. In most cases Model.fit should be preferred since it can train in batches and automatically increments model.epoch.

proc fit*[T](model: Model[T],
             targetName: string,
             args: openArray[(string, Tensor[T])],
             batchSize: int = 32,
             logStatus: bool = true)

Computes the given target for all batches from the inputs args. If the sample count is not divisible by the batchSize, the remaining samples are not used in the training process. This will likely be fixed in the future.

proc emitIr*[T](model: Model[T]): string

Emits intermediate representation for all targets of model. This is mainly used for debugging purposes.


Exprgrad provides an io module which can load commonly used datasets and save/load models to/from disk.

Saving and Loading Models

Models can be saved by calling the save procedure from io/serialize. loadModel is used to load a model from a file. Since loadModel loads the intermediate representation for the model from the file and compiles it using the JIT compiler, it is not recommended to load models from untrusted sources.

let model = loadModel[float32]("model.bin")


Exprgrad currently uses a simple tensor library providing basic functions aimed at preprocessing datasets for training. Tensors can be created using Tensor.new and Tensor.rand, printed using $ and accessed using the [] and {} operators. Refer to test/test_tensors.nim for more examples of how to use the tensor library.


Exprgrad borrows many successful concepts from other projects on array and differentiable programming languages.


Currently exprgrad is still very early in its development. All examples shown above already work, but there are still many possibilities for improvement:

  • Improved multithreading
  • GPU Support
  • More automatic optimizations (tiling, loop fusion, ...)
  • ...

If you would like to contribute to exprgrad, the following tasks might be of interest to you:

  • Integrate with existing tensor libraries
  • Image loading and saving
  • Improve batching in fit procedure
  • Document the tensors module

Project Structure

The following diagram shows a simplified compilation pipeline which displays the functions of the different modules (files in exprgrad/) of exprgrad's compiler.

          parser       passes       llvmgen
Nim AST –––––––––> IR ––––––––> IR –––––––––> LLVM IR ––> Machine Code 

Exprgrad's compiler uses a custom intermediate representation (IR). All program transformations including the automatic differentiation and optimization are performed within this representation. It is defined in the module ir.nim. The current compilation pipeline is defined in the compile procedure of the module model.nim. All program transformations are currently defined in passes.nim. Exprgrad uses the LLVM C-API through its own wrapper. The LLVM IR generator and JIT compiler are defined in llvmgen.nim.


Copyright 2021 - 2022 Can Joshua Lehmann

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.