
common lisp client to livejournal.com service

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

Livejournal.com / Dreamwidth.org client written in common lisp

The project is not dead, it's feature complete :D

The general idea is that I don't wont to write my posts in any web interface, vim is just fine for these purposes! Moreover, the best workflow would by similar to the one we get with the help of static site generators - git repo with some files in markdown format which will be published on push.

Any file structure can be used, client will pick up any markdown files it can find

At the moment only post creation is rudimentary supported.


  • Create posts as simple markdown files
  • Privacy, Tags, Music, Location and Mood fields are supported
  • Links to files in the repo resolve to links to relevant posts in the blog
  • Update/removal of posts is supported when relevant file is modified/removed
  • Optional git pre-commit hook to publish posts

Install (Linux)

Guide was written based on Ubuntu linux, however there is nothing particularly specific there apart from tools being used to download dependencies.

First of all cl-journal needs to store passwords somewhere, let's use secret-tools for this.

sudo apt-get install libsecret-tools

After this we need roswell, you can grab latest release from the project page.

Important detail, roswell will put executables into ~/.roswell/bin folder and it should be in path for script to work correctly:

echo 'PATH="~/.roswell/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc

Note: A couple of cl-journal deps are dead now and cannot be found in the quicklisp. Please help yourselves and clone can3p/rpc4cl and can3p/rfc3339-timestamp to ~/common-lisp folder.

Once roswell is installed, getting cl-journal is just a matter of

  1. Install dead dependencies

Some of the libraries were kicked out from quicklisp and/or also gone from the github, install them into ~/common-lisp folder:

cd ~/common-lisp
git clone git@github.com:can3p/cl-arrows.git  # just a fork of official repo just in case
git clone git@github.com:can3p/rpc4cl.git                                                                                                           │
git clone git@github.com:can3p/rfc3339-timestamp.git

After this step you should be able to install the script

ros install can3p/cl-journal

Install (Mac OS)

$ brew tap can3p/cl-journal
$ brew install cl-journal

Create a new repo for your blog and proceed to next section. Client setup is done!

Current way of work

  • fire cl-journal init and follow instructions
  • Write posts in the following format:
  • Refer lj users from markup with little effort
title: Name of your post
privacy: friends

Some body with *markdown* support, link to {lj-user livejournal}
  • Privacy field is public by default. If specified can contain private, friends and public vlues
  • Publish with cl-journal push

If you want to keep file in drafts for a while you can either keep rejecting to post it during the sync or add a draft: line at the header of the file. In the latter case client will ignore the file until you remove it.

Running tests

Launch your favourite lisp REPL and:

> (ql:quickload :cl-journal-test)
> (ql:quickload :prove)
> (setf prove:*enable-colors* nil) ;; disable colors if you do it from slime
> (prove:run :cl-journal-test)

TODO or not supported yet

This list is not structured in a particular order

  • reposts
  • preview
  • backwards sync to get updates from the service
  • photo upload functionality


All the code is in public domain, pull requests are welcome. Enjoy!