
Terraform module to deploy a managed MySQL instance on Azure

Primary LanguageHCLOtherNOASSERTION

Terraform for Azure Managed Database MySQL

Creates a MySQL instance using the Azure Managed Database for MySQL service.

Security Controls


  • Terraform v0.14.x +
  • Terraform AzureRM Provider 2.5 +


Examples for this module along with various configurations can be found in the examples/ folder.


Name Type Default Required Description
active_directory_administrator_object_id string "" no The Active Directory Administrator Object ID.
active_directory_administrator_tenant_id string "" no The Active Directory Administrator Tenant ID.
administrator_login string n/a yes The Administrator Login for the MySQL Server.
administrator_login_password string n/a yes The Password associated with the administrator_login for the MySQL Server.
databases map(map(string)) n/a yes The name, collation, and character set of the MySQL database(s). (defaults: charset='utf8', collation='utf8_unicode_ci')
diagnostics object() null no Diagnostic settings for those resources that support it.
emails list n/a yes List of email addresses that should recieve the security reports.
ip_rules list n/a yes List of public IP or IP ranges in CIDR Format.
firewall_rules list n/a yes Specifies the Start IP Address associated with this Firewall Rule.
location string "canadacentral" no Specifies the supported Azure location where the resource exists.
name string n/a yes The name of the MySQL Server.
mysql_version string "8.0" no The version of the MySQL Server.
public_network_access_enabled string "false" no Whether or not public network access is allowed for this server.
resource_group string n/a yes The name of the resource group in which to create the MySQL Server.
retention_days number 90 yes Specifies the retention in days for logs for this MySQL Server.
sku_name string "GP_Gen5_4" no Specifies the SKU Name for this MySQL Server.
ssl_enforcement_enabled string "true" no Specifies if SSL should be enforced on connections.
ssl_minimal_tls_version_enforced string "TLS1_2" no The mimimun TLS version to support on the sever.
storagesize_mb string "640000" no Specifies the version of MySQL to use.
subnet_ids list n/a yes The IDs of the subnets that the MySQL server will be connected to.
tags map "<map>" no A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.

Variables (Advanced)

Name Type Default Required Description
kv_db_create string null no Flag kv_db_create can either be null (default), true (create key vault), or false (use existing key vault).
kv_db_name string null no The key vault name to be used when kv_db_create is either set to true or false.
kv_db_rg string null no The key vault resource group to be used when kv_db_create is either set to true or false."
kv_db_tenant_id string null no The key vault tenant id to be used when kv_db_create is either set to true or false.
kv_db_key_size number 2048 no The key vault size to be used when kv_db_create is either set to true or false.
kv_db_key_type string "RSA" no The key vault type to be used when kv_db_create is either set to true or false.
kv_pointer_enable string "false" no Flag kv_pointer_enable can either be true (state from key vault), or false (state from terraform).
kv_pointer_name string null no The key vault name to be used when kv_pointer_enable is set to true.
kv_workflow_rg string null no The key vault resource group to be used when kv_pointer_enable is set to true.
kv_pointer_logging_name string null no The logging name to be looked up in key vault when kv_pointer_enable is set to true.
kv_pointer_logging_rg string null no The logging resource group name to be used when kv_pointer_enable is set to true.
kv_pointer_sqladmin_password string null no The sqladmin password to be looked up in key vault when kv_pointer_enable is set to true."
vnet_create string null no Flag vnet_create can either be null (default), true (create vnet), or false (use existing vnet).
vnet_cidr string no Virtual Network CIDR.
vnet_name string null no The vnet name to be used when vnet_create is either set to true or false.
vnet_rg string null no The vnet resource group to be used when vnet_create is either set to true or false.
subnet_name string null no The subnet name to be used when vnet_create is either set to true or false.
subnet_address_prefixes list [""] no Virtual Network Address Prefixes.

Variables (MySQL Configuration)

Name Type Default Required Description
innodb_buffer_pool_size int "16106127360" no The size in bytes of the buffer pool, the memory area where InnoDB caches table and index data.
max_allowed_packet int "536870912" no The maximum size of one packet or any generated/intermediate string.
query_store_capture_interval int "15" no The query store capture interval in minutes. Allows to specify the interval in which the query metrics are aggregated.
query_store_capture_mode string "All" no The query store capture mode, NONE means do not capture any statements.
query_store_capture_utility_queries string "Yes" no Turning ON or OFF to capture all the utility queries that is executing in the system.
query_store_retention_period_in_days int "7" no The query store capture interval in minutes. Allows to specify the interval in which the query metrics are aggregated.
table_definition_cache int "5000" no The number of table definitions (from .frm files) that can be stored in the definition cache.
table_open_cache int "5000" no The number of open tables for all threads.
redirect_enabled int "OFF" no Indicate server support redirection.


Date Release Change
20220516 v4.1.3 Add a setting for redirect mode for improved performance bypassing azure gateway
20220413 v4.1.2 Disable attempt to create diag on kvs don't own
20220406 v4.1.1 Fix a bug in the diagnostics section not calling metrics properly
20220214 v4.1.0 Allow changing the Storage Account Name
20211128 v4.0.0 Final refactor with sane defaults and optional advanced logic
20211004 v3.0.0 Release makes clear some of the more advanced logic
20210907 v2.2.0 Release moves the key vault into the module
20210905 v2.1.2 Release adds ability to opt out of diagnostics
20210902 v2.1.1 Release adds an ip_rules variable
20210831 v2.1.0 Release updates kv workflow, naming, and examples
20210702 v2.0.0 Release prevents destruction of databases when one or more are added/removed from the list
20210625 v1.1.1 Release which passes tags to other resources and fixes subnet rule names
20210623 v1.1.0 Release which adds less destructive changes to firewall and subnet rules
20210511 v1.0.2 Release which adds optional support for ATP
20210211 v1.0.1 Release which adds minor documentation improvements
20210207 v1.0.0 Release of Terraform module