
This is the repo for the project "PseudoMSA: Towards High-fitness Protein Variant Generation Guided by Protein Language Models"

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

PseudoMSA: Towards High-fitness Protein Variant Generation Guided by Protein Language Models

License: Apache-2.0

This is the public repo for the project PseudoMSA: Towards High-fitness Protein Variant Generation Guided by Protein Language Models. PseudoMSA can generate high-fidelity high-fitness protein mutants in zero shot: only a wildtype sequence of the protein is required for generation. The generation process is rounds of in silico directed evolution guided by the 'intrinsic fitness' informed by a Protein Language Model (more on latter).



Python >= 3.6; PyTorch >= 1.10.0; CUDA >= 10.1; Special Branch of Hugging Face Transformer with ESM-1b

To install the Hugging Face with ESM-1b pipeline, run following commands:

cd [where_you_want_to_install]
git clone -b add_esm-proper --single-branch https://github.com/liujas000/transformers.git 
pip -q install ./transformers


Many past works have worked on protein variant effect prediction (e.g. Riesselman et al. 2018, Hopf et al. 2017, Meier et al. 2021, Luo et al. 2021), where a predictor infers the fitness of a series of mutants, and the goal is to have a high correlation between the predicted fitness and the experimentally measured fitness. Variant generation has a different objective: generation of high-fitness variants with high confidence. To illustrate the difference, see the figure below:



This project aims to provide a zero-shot protein variant generation pipeline to aid Directed Evolution. Directed Evolution can be summarized as a two-step iterative cycle. The first step is to randomly mutate the naturally occurring protein sequence to construct a variant library. The second step is to experimentally measure the fitness of the variant library. The majority of the studies in ML-guided directed evolution focused on the second step of directed evolution, where a regressor model is trained to replace the tedious experimental measurements (Biswas et al. 2021, Hsu et al. 2022, Luo et al. 2021, Ma et al. 2021). However, obtaining sufficient data to train the regressor model can still be labor-intensive. While mutant effect predictor in a zero- or few- shot mannar have been receiving much attention, to apply these models to construct a variant library, one needs to enumerate all possible combinations of mutations.

Here we present a generative approach that can efficiently recommend high-order protein variants with high fitness. This project is inspired by the paper Efficient evolution of human antibodies from general protein language models and sequence information alone where Hie et al. propose the masked language likelihood of Protein Language Models (PLMs) can be see as the intrinsic fitness. While the model proposed by Hie et al. only enumerates single mutants, we propose a framework that can be functional for high-order mutants.

This repo contains some preliminary results from simulating in silico protein variant generation with three large scale Deep Mutation Scanning datasets. To generate PseudoMSA for you own project, follow the procedure in section SimDE.