A Docker image for the CAF Central Discovery Service. Based on: docker-cds-core, the dockerized version of the v1.20.2 SWITCHwayf built on Ubuntu 14.04.
Environment variables with their defaults if they do not exist are:
- CDS_AGGREGATE - the aggregate to point at and ingest via the cron command -- defaults to: https://caf-shib2ops.ca/CoreServices/caf_metadata_signed_sha256.xml
- CDS_HTMLROOTDIR - the HTML root directory of the webserver -- defaults to: /var/www/html
- CDS_HTMLWAYFDIR - the location in the container where the DS lives -- default to: /var/www/html/DS
- CDS_WAYFDESTFILENAME - the actual WAYF file to invoke -- defaults to: CAF.ds
- CDS_OVERLAYURL: https://github.com/canariecaf/cds-overlay-CAF/archive/master.zip
Note that the OVERLAY is at the time of building the image where as runtime changes the values below:
- CDS_AGGREGATE - the aggregate to point at and ingest via the cron command -- defaults to: https://caf-shib2ops.ca/CoreServices/caf_metadata_signed_sha256.xml
- CDS_REFRESHFREQINMIN - # of minutes between cron'd processing of the aggregate after intial fetch on start -- defaults to: 5
pass them in on the command line:
$ sudo docker run -e CDS_AGGREGATE=http://md.example.com/somethings.xml -e CDS_REFRESHFREQINMIN=5 -d -p 80:80 --restart=always canariecaf/docker-cds-core
Open browser and point to: http://localhost If everthing is fine you should see the default Service Discovery Page with your aggregate