This is an LWM2M IoTAgent, part of the dojot project. It was written in java and uses Eclipse Leshan as base for LWM2M handling.
The purpose of this module is to translate device configurations sent to dojot via device-manager into LWM2M configuration and commands.
This is an initial version that only supports a sub set of the LwM2M v1.0 features.
Using this agent you can:
- monitor LwM2M resources
- interact with LwM2M resources (write and execute)
- use DTLS communication (only with PSK)
- firmware update (Only the protocols COAP, COAPS and HTTP are supported. Actually HTTPS is not supported. The delivery method PUSH is not supported)
- deal with multidimensional resources (just reading, writing is not supported yet)
Please note that: - LwM2M attributes are not supported
How to create a dojot's device in compliance to this agent
First of all your device must use the base template,
it defines the device's endpoint
which is the device identifier in the LwM2M protocol.
All attributes that you desire to model must contain a metadata with the following structure:
"metadata": [
"label": "path",
"type": "lwm2m",
"value_type": "string",
"static_value": "/3303/0/5601"
Note that the static_value
reflects the LwM2M resource path, this value must
be customized.
This agent uses the following rules to map the resources:
- dojot dynamic attributes are mapped as LwM2M read resources;
- dojot actuator attributes are mapped as LwM2M write or execution resources.
The following metadata should be included if your attribute has execution property.
"metadata": [
"type": "lwm2m",
"label": "operations",
"static_value": "e",
"value_type": "string"
Please, note that the support to multidimentional resources is initial, for now
is only possible to read this kind of resource. All multidimentional resources are
exported as string with the following format: LwM2mMultipleResource [values=%s, type=%s]
How to encapsulates the service into a Docker container
In order to use this service in the dojot environment we need to encapsulate it
in a Docker container.
You can do it just executing the following command:
docker build -t dojot/iotagent-lwm2m .
Obs: just note that dojot/iotagent-lwm2m
is the image name, you can replace it
with some other name that you desire.
Firmware update
In order to the firmware process execute make sure your device implements the LwM2M objects 3 (device) and 5 (firmware update). You can find a firmware update template sample here.
Attention: the delivery method PUSH is not supported yet.
Environment variables
This service relies on some environment variables to configure some aspects. These variables are the following ones:
- KAFKA_GROUP_ID: kafka's consumer group id
- FILE_SERVER_ADDRESS: address that the file server will be listening (
- FILE_SERVER_DATA_PATH: path where the firmware images will be stored (./data)
- FILE_SERVER_HTTP_PORT: port that the file server will be listening for HTTP protocol (5896)
- FILE_SERVER_HTTPS_PORT: port that the file server will be listening for HTTPS protocol (5897) NOT SUPPORTED
Please, note that there are also some configurations that are read from the file