Mars Rovers 🚀

This app was developed by Can Bi. It uses SwiftUI and is written 100% in Swift. The project benefits from multi-threading, publishers/subscribers, and data persistance.


The app uses NASA Open APIs and shows Mars photos taken by Curiosity, Opportunity and Spirit rovers.

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Join with TestFlight External Tester Invite. The invite expire in September, 2022

Implemented Features

  • Main Data Structure
  • Manifest Data Structure
  • Networking with Combine and URLSession
  • Downloading and caching images
  • Downloading Mission Manifest information about each rover
  • Custom NavigationLink for lazy loading
  • ScrollView with Lazy Loading
  • Custom Tab Bar built upon TabView
  • Image Zoom Pop-up
  • Rover images in UI
  • Filtering with Earth Date
  • Filtering with Martian Sol
  • Filtering with Camera Types
  • Share button and Share Sheet
  • Settings page
  • Theme color settings
  • Save to Photos when favorited settings
  • Double tap on tab bar scrolls to top
  • Image Favorites
  • Save Rover manifest with UserDefaults for offline usage
  • Offline usage capability with CoreData and Directory File
  • Offline UI State
  • App icon and Launch Screen
  • iPad version
  • Widget

Dark UI Screenshots

Light UI Screenshots