The logo for the service.

The Jasmine Dragon

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📔 Table of Contents

🌟 About the Project

📷 Screenshots

The schema of the project includes 4 tables.

👾 Tech Stack


🎯 Features

  • An endpoint to subscribe a customer to a tea subscription
  • An endpoint to cancel a customer’s tea subscription
  • An endpoint to see all of a customer’s subsciptions (active and cancelled)

🔑 Endpoints

Here are the endpoints for this project:

  • Customer Subscription creation. Associates a customer_id with an subscription_id
 post "/api/v1/customer_subscription"
  • Customer Subscription update. Can update the status of the customer subscription
 patch "/api/v1/customer_subscription"
  • Customer Subscription Index. The associated customer lists all their subscriptions
 get "/customer_subscription/:id"
  • Customer Subscription Destroy. The associated customer detroys all their subscription
 delete "/customer_subscription/:id"

🧰 Getting Started

‼️ Prerequisites

This project uses Rails and Ruby 2.7.2

🧪 Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command

  bundle exec rspec spec

🏃 Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd jasmine_dragon

Start the server

  rails server

🚩 Deployment

To deploy this project open


👀 Usage

This API is an api that is going to manage a tea subscription service. A user can manage the subscriptions they are subscribed to as well as the tea's associated with that customer's subscription. Subscriptions have teas in this api. This is to allow the customer to have mutliple subscriptions to different types of 'Tea packages'.

🧭 Roadmap

  • An endpoint to subscribe a customer to a tea subscription
  • An endpoint to cancel a customer’s tea subscription
  • An endpoint to see all of a customer’s subsciptions (active and cancelled)

😏 Stretch Goals

  • Create a Tea API that holds tea information that I need for this API that has basic CRUD could be fun to consume.

👋 Contributing

Contributions are always welcome!

See for ways to get started.


  • Why enums?

    • Being able to utilize the error handling that is already provided in ActiveRecord is a favorite for me. I was able to ensure that no matter what value was sent through the fe I am able to control how this is data is handled. Initially I was going to have all my enums represented as number values, but decided that to be more empathetic to the fe-dev or even another be-dev having the values set as word strings instead made it a lot easier to understand right off the bat.

🤝 Contact

Candace Eckels - LinkedIn -

Project Link:

💎 Acknowledgements

Round of applause for the resources I was able to use in this project