
Boxen module for qrencode C library

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Puppet Module for qrencode

This is a simple module to install qrenccode via Homebew. It depends on libpng which I discovered moves their release tarballs around (e.g., into "old" directories), which can be hard to build. You may need to brew update to have a more up-to-date Homebew database, which in turn will refer to a version of libpng that might still be in the correct place.


boxen::example { 'best example ever':
  salutation => 'fam'

Required Puppet Modules

  • boxen


Set GITHUB_API_TOKEN in your shell with a Github oAuth Token to raise your API rate limit. You can get some work done without it, but you're less likely to encounter errors like Unable to find module 'boxen/puppet-boxen' on https://github.com. You can also set this environment variable securely on Travis to ensure your CI builds don't run into the same issue - check out Travis's docs on repository settings.

Then write some code. Run script/cibuild to test it. Check the script directory for other useful tools.