
Secure Secrets Management for the Modern Sysadmin


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Secure Secrets Management for the Modern Sysadmin

Latest Release Notes: v2024.08

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Rot is a command line (CLI) tool for managing cryptographic values.

Rot makes cryptography easy:

  • Generate keys and values using current best encryption
  • Version and track your secrets
  • Secure secrets among individuals using Shamir Secret Sharing
  • Rekey encrypted values to the latest encryption standards
  • Share your encrypted values with other users and devices
  • Perform one-way encryption for zero-knowledge secrets
  • Run commands and scripts with encrypted values injected through environment variables
  • Store your encrypted values securely in git with human-readable diffs
  • Generate and view X.509 certificates and Certificate Authorities
  • Generate and view JWTs
  • Generate and verify signatures
  • Generate SSH keys and certificates

Visit https://rotx.dev for more information.

Why Rot?

Aside from the infamous ROT13 Caeser cipher, cryptographic keys have a tendency to "rot" rather quickly. Frequent use of keys inevitably leads to leakage and/or compromise, and the underlying encryption algorithms may not be secure in the future. Cryptographic material doesn't age well in general.