POST api/user/student @acesss public
GET api/user/student @acesss public (Get all student and search students) will only return specific info
GET api/user/student/{id} @acesss private
DELETE api/user/student/{id} @acess private (only admins can)
Updae api/user/student/
- POST api/donations @acesss public
- GET api/donations/{student_id}
- GET api/donations/{school_id}
- POST api/user/school @acesss public
- GET api/user/school @acesss public (Get all student and search students) will only return specific info
- GET api/user/school/{id} @acesss private
- GET api/user/school/{student_id} @acesss private
- DELETE api/user/student/{id} @acess private (only admins can)
- Updae api/user/student/
- Paypal IPN
- Reporting IPN
-Student ID -First & Last Name -School -Grade -Teacher Last Name -T-Shirt Size -Email Address -Phone -Username -Password -Confirm Password