
This is a basic donation taking app. It takes donations via paypal. Students will can register, login and take donations. An admin can create schools, other admins and. view reports based on different criteria

Primary LanguageJavaScript




  • POST api/user/student @acesss public

  • GET api/user/student @acesss public (Get all student and search students) will only return specific info

  • GET api/user/student/{id} @acesss private

  • DELETE api/user/student/{id} @acess private (only admins can)

  • Updae api/user/student/


  • POST api/donations @acesss public
  • GET api/donations/{student_id}
  • GET api/donations/{school_id}


  • POST api/user/school @acesss public
  • GET api/user/school @acesss public (Get all student and search students) will only return specific info
  • GET api/user/school/{id} @acesss private
  • GET api/user/school/{student_id} @acesss private
  • DELETE api/user/student/{id} @acess private (only admins can)
  • Updae api/user/student/

Functionality that needs to be set

  • Paypal IPN
  • Reporting IPN

Fields on student registration:

-Student ID -First & Last Name -School -Grade -Teacher Last Name -T-Shirt Size -Email Address -Phone -Username -Password -Confirm Password