
Sandbox for learning node.js.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


is a git repo for playing around with various things related to JavaScript/node.js.

modules used


  • fs: filesystem stuff - system calls, file I/O with streaming/non-streaming and sync/async versions.
  • path: utilities for manipulating filepaths (think os.path.join() from Python!)
  • http: HTTP server/client library.
  • https: the HTTPS counterpart to http.
  • crypto: secure hashing and other cryptographic utilities.
  • util: miscellaneous utilities, like util.format() for printf()-like formatting.
  • events: EventEmitter and other events-related utilities.
  • url: utilities for URL and query string parsing.


  • express: thin layer over connect, which itself is a thin middleware layer over http.
  • connect-mongo: session persistence middleware, using MongoDB as a backing store.
  • stylus: transpiled syntactic sugar for CSS, used for cleaner stylesheets in express.
  • mongodb: the native node.js MongoDB library.
  • mongoose: ODM layer over mongodb.
  • underscore: utility function library, for easier Array/Object manipulation.
  • node-uuid: generates UUIDs. Useful for salted hashed password mechanisms.
  • should: BDD testing toolkit for making tests more readable using a chained property lookup syntax like n.should.equal(42).
  • supertest: testing toolkit for making requests against a server created with http.createServer(). Useful for API testing.
  • async: simple utilities for async control flow, mapping, etc.
  • socket.io: two-way client-server communication made easy.