
Small blinkenlight boards that sync up using radios

Primary LanguageC++



The fancy-node device can be programmed either using an STLink, or via USB port. To program via USB, you must first install [stm32loader] using pip (pip install stm32loader). You may also need to pass the port (typically /dev/ttyUSB0), e.g. pio run -e fancy-node-usb -t upload --upload-port /dev/ttyUSB0.

Saving device description in flash

Both node and fancy-node support reading the DeviceDescription from flash. The modes are defined by the DeviceMode enum within DeviceDescription.hpp. They work as follows:

  • CURRENT_FROM_HEADER: use the current device defined in Devices.hpp
  • READ_FROM_FLASH: read the device saved in flash, if present. If not present (determined by the validity of check_value), fall back to current.
  • WRITE_TO_FLASH: write current to flash, and then use it. This will only write the device to flash if it is different, to avoid causing flash wear.