
SSH MUD Client, still WIP.

Primary LanguageGo


A mud in go

How to run?

docker compose up

Change initdecoy.sql to init.sql and replace username and passwords in line 23-30.

And connect to with your favourite Telnet client. It doesn't work on my side due to my college network, but it should work on yours.


  • I am thinking something else for MP.
  • Above seems like overengineering it best.
  • If we can handle the multiplayer, then return to implementing the game again. Such as statistics.
  • D&D 5e ruleset can be used for characters, and one-page adventures can be used for quests. Lobby system will be used for multiplayer.
  • We may say just screw it, and let the people create their own adventures. But that will be a lot of work. And Path of Exile's new league is near. We can just roll with 3-5 quests and keep it as proof of concept not a game engine.


1. Let user create a new character

1.5 Assign user to character

2. Let user login to an existing character

3. Put user into beginner room with a description

3.5 Put a viewport into the tutorial.go as a beginner room with a description, as every new created or level 1 character will fall into model in tutorial.go

  1. DeleteUser currently 404s

5. CharacterRoutes GetUser returns the wrong list of characters, doesn't do its query Now returns array of Characters model.

6. Require unique names sql queries Character.Name Queries against DB is done with account name.

7. Make a map of public keys No more public keys, SSH username and password login.

  1. AccountLogin function runs login page on the server*

8.25 We need a whole ass sign up site that handles the registers. Data needs to be nuked at users table.

9. Docker-compose broken, gmud connection refused to mysql/localhost:3306 - can access w/ sqlstudio fine Rename initdecoy.sql to init.sql and replace XXXXX values on line 25-30. Then write username, password, Host (in ( form) and password in docker.composer.yml

10. Alive reports false need to switch to reverse bool or dead 1 means alive and 0 means dead? Cant change it.

11. Level shouldnt be 0 It is level 1 on every new created character.

  1. Create a stats model for character stats.

Currently after class selection, character is saved in database. Create a new stat selection model, expand characters table (or however you want) and send character to database after stat selection.


  1. Take barebones signup server (html templates in cmd/app/templates, create static files at wherever you want I didnt code it. backend code itself is in pkg/backend) and make it actually a real server. mike probably had a site for that.

Api Paths

Gin Stats {id}

This part is completely yeeted off. We still need a create account endpoint on a site that creates new users at users table.

To fix go mod paths

charactersDb git:(main) ✗ go env -w GOPRIVATE=github.com/mikejk8s
➜  charactersDb git:(main) ✗ go mod tidy
Found existing alias for "go mod". You should use: "gom"
go: finding module for package github.com/mikejk8s/gmud
go: finding module for package github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
go: downloading github.com/mikejk8s/gmud v0.0.0-20220821060920-758a6a03bc00
go: found github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql in github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.6.0
go: found github.com/mikejk8s/gmud in github.com/mikejk8s/gmud v0.0.0-20220821060920-758a6a03bc00

These are working I guess? Didnt have any problem with fresh installation WSL.