
Food review backend.

Primary LanguageGo

Project Persephone

Name to be decided later.

Running The Project

You need Go. Which version? I dont know. Get the latest one till I pull a Dockerfile.

Clone the repository, chdir into the repository/src, run

docker compose up -d
go mod tidy
curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cosmtrek/air/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin
$(go env GOPATH)/bin/air 


You need Turkey's map data for CRON jobs to work, download it from here:


get the osm.pbf, put it in src folder without changing the filename.

You are set to go!


API documentation is written at Swagger.


go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@latest
swag init

and then navigate to


or just read the code. As raylib creator says:

Best way to learn to code is reading code.

I am trying to keep it as clean as possible.