
Non-working version of Synfrastructure bootstrapped website

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Front End Template with React

Redux DevTools

Inspect state, time travel through various actions. Enabled by default for development environments.

  • Press ctrl + h to toggle DevTools visibility
  • press ctrl + q to toggle positioning of DevTools

Customizing for your project

  1. Update this repository to the latest code
  2. Run ./clone.sh [destination] [project-name] to copy these files to a new directory

Initializing the Development Environment

  1. npm install to add dependencies
  2. npm start to build the app and launch a server at localhost:9000


  1. npm run dist to build a production bundle

Connect to a backend

  1. env BACKEND=HOSTNAME npm start

Testing on a network

  1. env HOST=LOCAL_IP npm start

Running Tests

  1. Run React tests with gulp at localhost:9001 with npm test
  2. Run React tests with Karma in Chrome and Firefox with npm run karma
  3. Run React tests from the command line with ./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start --single-run --browsers PhantomJS