
useFetch hook for React with conditional fetch calls

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This implementation of a useFetch hook adds the ability to conditionally call REST endpoints which is missing from other useFetch functions I've seen.


  • Noop State
  • Loading state
  • Error state including handling of HTTP error status
  • Accepts header token
  • Conditional fetch
  • Refetch


  yarn add yet-another-usefetch
import { useFetch } from "yet-another-usefetch";


url string default: null

If the url exists as an argument of the hook, the request will be made immediately

method string default: GET

Set the method of HTTP request you are making

body object default: null

The data payload of the network request. Note: The body does not need to be stringified beforehand as it is stringified inside the hook function.

headers object default: null

Any HTTP headers that you'd like to add to the request. Note: There are default headers already included in the hook listed below. Additionally, if you want to use an auth token, read below

  Accept: 'application/json',
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

addHeaders boolean default: true

If you'd like to send a request without headers, you can pass this argument

token string default: null

Useful if you'd like to add your own authorization token. It uses the following format where token is the value of your argument

  Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`


noop bool

Return true if the fetch url has not been called

loading bool

Returns true if the fetch url has been set but there has not been a response

response object

Returns when the request resolves successfully

error object

Returns if there was a problem executing the request

setFetchUrl function

Initiates the fetch request if a url wasn't supplied beforehand. Once the url is set the request initiates. Accepts a string url.

setFetchBody function

When updating server data this function sets the body. Useful if you are sending user inputted data. Used in conjuction with setFetchUrl()

rerunFetch function

Initiates another request to the server. Accepts a boolean argument, typically true, which gets reset to false after the request resolves or errors.


Code Sandbox Example

Simple GET

  const {loading, response, error} = useFetch('https://example.com/users')

Conditional GET

  const {loading, response, error, setFetchUrl, rerunFetch} = useFetch()
  const getData = () => setFetchUrl('https://example.com/users')
  const getNewData = () => rerunFetch(true)

Conditional POST

  const {noop, loading, response, error, setFetchUrl, setFetchBody} = useFetch(null, 'POST')
  const handleSubmit = (formData) => {

Requires a peer dependency of react: >=16.8.0