
CMU thesis template for memoir

Primary LanguageTeX

CMU thesis template for memoir

This is a LaTeX template for a thesis in Computer Science at CMU, for use with the excellent memoir package. It began life as the class file and template hosted on David Koes's website, but it seems that a Ship-of-Theseus situation occurred at some point during my hacking.

The included cmutr.sty was written by Matt Zekauskas, and produces a "CMU tech report"-compliant title page. The font choices (Libertine and Inconsolata) are those of acmart.sty.


The book document class, like article, is intentionally simple. In contrast, memoir includes bells and whistles you may find useful when writing a book (or thesis), including features found in the fancyhdr, subfigure, geometry, and epigraph packages, among others.

I also include (and recommend) the biblatex, microtype, and cleveref packages. All of these, especially memoir, have extensive documentation available on CTAN or via texdoc.