EventHorizon Shimeji / Avatar

This project is a browser and configuration based library that will animate an Avatar over an implemented webpage.


Clone this repository and create a Character configuration, use one of the examples under the characters folder for reference.

Character Configuration

Characters configuration is used to animate a chosen Avatar's Actions, and those actions can be used to trigger a different behavior based on where the avatar is on the screen.

The name, license, and baseUrl are standard properties of a character/mascot's configuration. The base URL is the location of the frames used to animate the avatars actions.

In the actions section of the characters configuration are a map of different animations that can be triggered. The actions trigger can be used during the processing of a behavior.

Action Data Model:

  • src -> The file name used for the Actions animation.
  • anchor -> This is the location on the frame the point should be "centered" or drawn from.
  • move -> The x and y direction this frame should move. Use 0 for both if it should not move.
  • duration -> The length of time in milliseconds this frame should be on screen for.

Behavior Data Model:

  • _states -> This is the set of states that should be randomly selected from when ran.
  • Include with the _states property should the list of actions details when selected.
    • name -> The name on the state should the Action that should run.
    • repeat -> How many times the action should be run.
    • prob -> The percentage this actions will be selected.
    • revH -> If the run action should animate its frames reversed Horizontally.
    • revV -> If the run action should animate its frames reversed Vertically.
    • revM -> If the run action should animate its frames Movement reversed.


    "_states": [
    "stand": {
        "name": "stand",
        "repeat": 1,
        "prob": 0.3
    "sit": {
        "name": "sit",
        "repeat": 1,
        "prob": 0.1
    "sleep": {
        "name": "sleep",
        "repeat": 1,
        "prob": 0.05