
Parallel Data Fetching from Web and Synchronize & Aggregate the Fetched Information by Order

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Parallel File Downloader CLI App

CLI application downloads an index file to obtain a list of text file URLs and download these files in parallel by multi-threading.

  • If the requested file is found in the server, the response is a 200 OK message. When this is the case, our program establishes <connection_count> parallel connections with the server including the file, downloads non-overlapping parts of the file through these connections, constructs and saves the file under the directory in which our program runs

  • Tested on Unix/Linux and Mac machines.

Test URLs:

Run with just Index file:

python ParallelFileDownloader.py www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~cs421/fall21/project1/index1.txt
python ParallelFileDownloader.py www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~cs421/fall21/project1/index2.txt

Run with Index file and Number of Parellel Connections:

python ParallelFileDownloader.py www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~cs421/fall21/project1/index1.txt 3
python ParallelFileDownloader.py www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~cs421/fall21/project1/index2.txt 5