
Production-ready code to deploy Joomla on AWS-EKS

MIT LicenseMIT


Production ready code to deploy Joomla on AWS-EKS

Getting started

Step1: Create EKS cluster and configure the kubeclt command for the launched cluster

$ aws eks update-kubeconfig --name mycluster

Step2: Install Amazon EFS Utilities on every node in the cluster using following command:

$ yum install amazon-efs-utils

Step3: Create namespace for the task

$ kubectl create namespace webns

Step4: Create an EFS file system

Step5: In create-efs-provisioner.yaml file, replace the FILE_SYSTEM_ID at line no. 22 and replace the nfs server at line no. 33 with the values of your EFS file system

Step6: Create the EFS Provisioner, Role and Storage Class in the webns namespace using following commands:

$ kubectl create -f create-efs-provisioner.yaml -n webns
$ kubectl create -f create-rbac.yaml -n webns
$ kubectl create -f create-storage.yaml -n webns

Step7: Run the kustomization.yaml file to setup the environment and deploy the Joomla to the EKS. Run the following command:

$ kubectl create -k .

Step8: Now our Joomla site is deployed to the EKS and can be accessed using the EXTERNAL-IP provided by joomla service.

$ kubectl get all

open the EXTERNAL-IP provided by the service/joomla in the browser to view the deployed joomla site.