This collection contains the roles for configuring the Kubernetes master and slave nodes. Currently, it supports Amazon Linux 2, Redhat Enterprise Linux and Ubuntu.
This is the role for configuring Kubernetes master node. You can find more information about it in the roles/kube_master/ file.
This is the role for configuring Kubernetes slave node. You can find more information about it in the roles/kube_slave/ file.
Download and install this collection using following command
ansible-galaxy collection install cankush625.kubernetescluster
Example playbook for using kube_master role from this collection
- hosts: kube_master
- cankush625.kubernetescluster
- role: kube_master
owner: ec2-user
group: ec2-user
Example playbook for using kube_slave role from this collection
- hosts: kube_slave
- cankush625.kubernetescluster
- role: kube_slave
kube_join_command: "kubeadm join <YOUR_KUBE_MASTER_NODE_PRIVATE_IP>:6443 --token <YOUR_TOKEN> --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash <YOUR_DISCOVERY_TOKEN_CERT_HASH> "
This role is tested on following OS distributions:
- Amazon Linux 2
- RedHat Enterprise Linux v8
- Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS
If you find any bug or want to do improvement in this collection, then find the source code for this collection here. Create an issue or open up a pull request and I will consider merging it, if it does what this collection is intended for.