The FSharp.CommandLine library can be installed from NuGet
PM> Install-Package FSharp.CommandLine
FSharp.CommandLine is a monadic commandline application framework that automatically generates both help texts and shell suggestions.
This library also contains type-safe scanf and type-safe commandline option parser.
open System
open FSharp.CommandLine
let fileOption =
commandOption {
names ["f"; "file"]
description "Name of a file to use (Default index: 0)"
takes (format("%s:%i").withNames ["filename"; "index"])
takes (format("%s").map (fun filename -> (filename, 0)))
suggests (fun _ -> [CommandSuggestion.Files None])
type Verbosity = Quiet | Normal | Full | Custom of int
let verbosityOption =
commandOption {
names ["v"; "verbosity"]
description "Display this amount of information in the log."
takes (regex @"q(uiet)?$" |> asConst Quiet)
takes (regex @"n(ormal)?$" |> asConst Quiet)
takes (regex @"f(ull)?$" |> asConst Full)
takes (format("custom:%i").map (fun level -> Custom level))
takes (format("c:%i").map (fun level -> Custom level))
let mainCommand () =
command {
name "main"
description "The main command."
opt files in fileOption |> CommandOption.zeroOrMore
opt verbosity in verbosityOption |> CommandOption.zeroOrExactlyOne
|> CommandOption.whenMissingUse Normal
do printfn "%A, %A" files verbosity
return 0
let main argv =
mainCommand() |> Command.runAsEntryPoint argv
Apache 2. See LICENSE.txt for details.