
Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


This module has been replaced by canonicalwebteam.yaml-responses. You should use that instead.


Serve 410s for deleted pages listed in a deleted.yaml file.


Create deleted.yaml similar to the following:

some/path: {"message": "This page is gone!"}
# etc.

And a 410.html template page:

<html><body><h1>Deleted</h1><p>{{ message }}</p></body></html>

And add the module to your Django app:

# urls.py
from canonicalwebteam import yaml_deleted_paths

urlpatterns = yaml_deleted_paths.create_views()
# ...

Now if you visit http://your-site/some/path you should see your 410 error page.