This repository contains the machine charm bundles for Kafka, available on Charmhub.
The steps outlined below are based on the assumption that you are deploying the charm locally with the latest LTS of Ubuntu. If you are using another version of Ubuntu or another operating system, the process may be different.
# (required) installing lxd and juju
sudo snap install lxd --classic
sudo snap install juju --classic
# (optional) installing terraform
sudo snap install terraform
Create a Juju controller on LXD
juju bootstrap localhost
If looking for a simple Charmed Kafka cluster environment to experiment and develop with, there are multiple supported methods one can use.
cd terraform/dev
terraform init
terraform apply
juju add-model dev && juju switch dev
juju deploy kafka-bundle
For certain workloads, you may wish to provision more storage. The supported production storage configuration is as follows:
- 12x 1TB storage volumes per Kafka broker
- 1x 10GB storage volume per ZooKeeper server
You can see example production-ready configurations here:
- Terraform production
configuration- NOTE - Currently does not support defining multiple storage volumes at deploy-time. These will need to be added manually with
juju add-storage kafka -n 11
for production
- NOTE - Currently does not support defining multiple storage volumes at deploy-time. These will need to be added manually with
- Juju Bundle production overlays