
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Tapo Matter Bridge


This is year 2022 and TP-Link Tapo devices aren't yet Matter-ready.

This app is a Matter bridge which can be used to turn the Tapo L530E into a Matter device.

The bridge communicates with a single, pre-commissioned Tapo device over WiFi.

The app uses the PyP100 library and can be extended for controlling other TP-Link Tapo devices including the P100, P105, P110 plugs and the L530 bulb.


Build and install

snapcraft -v
snap install --dangerous <snap-file>


snap set matter-bridge-tapo-lighting ip="tapo device ip"
snap set matter-bridge-tapo-lighting user="tapo user"
snap set matter-bridge-tapo-lighting password="tapo password"

Connect interfaces

snap connect matter-bridge-tapo-lighting:avahi-control

The avahi-control is necessary to allow discovery of the application via DNS-SD. To make this work, the host also needs to have a running avahi-daemon which can be installed with sudo apt install avahi-daemon or snap install avahi.


sudo snap start matter-bridge-tapo-lighting
sudo snap logs -f matter-bridge-tapo-lighting


Assuming you have setup the Connected Home IP project for Python projects (see Development) at ../connectedhomeip:

Activate the Python env

source ../connectedhomeip/out/python_env/bin/activate


IP="tapo device IP" USER="tapo user" PASSWORD="tapo password" python lighting.py

Control with Chip Tool


chip-tool pairing ethernet 110 20202021 3840 5540


  • 110 is the assigned node id
  • 20202021 is the pin code for the bridge app
  • 3840 is the discriminator id
  • is the IP address of the host for the bridge
  • 5540 the the port for the bridge

Alternatively, to commission with discovery which works with DNS-SD:

chip-tool pairing onnetwork 110 20202021


Switching on/off:

chip-tool onoff toggle 110 1 # toggle is stateless and recommended
chip-tool onoff on 110 1
chip-tool onoff off 110 1


  • onoff is the matter cluster name
  • on/off/toggle is the command name. The toggle command is RECOMMENDED because it is stateless. The bridge does not synchronize the actual state of devices.
  • 110 is the node id of the bridge app assigned during the commissioning
  • 1 is the endpoint of the configured device

Level (brightness) control:

# set max brightness
chip-tool levelcontrol move-to-level 254 0 0 0 110 1

Color control:

# hue (0-254)
chip-tool colorcontrol move-to-hue 50 0 0 0 0 110 1
# saturation (0-254)
chip-tool colorcontrol move-to-saturation 60 0 0 0 110 1
# hue + saturation
chip-tool colorcontrol move-to-hue-and-saturation 50 60 0 0 0 110 1

# color temperature (mired)
chip-tool colorcontrol move-to-color-temperature 400 0 0 0 110 1

Supported range of values:

Parameter Matter range Tapo range
Hue 0-254 0-359
Saturation 0-254 0-100
Brightness/Level 3-254 1-100
Color temperature 400-154 mireds 2500-6500 kelvins


Assuming you have Ubuntu 22.04 and Python 3.10, install the following dependencies:


sudo apt install git gcc g++ libdbus-1-dev \
  ninja-build python3-venv python3-dev \
  python3-pip libgirepository1.0-dev libcairo2-dev
# maybe:
# sudo apt install pkg-config libssl-dev libglib2.0-dev libavahi-client-dev libreadline-dev


Shallow clone the Connected Home IP project:

git clone https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip.git --depth=1 --branch=v1.0.0.2
cd ~/connectedhomeip/
scripts/checkout_submodules.py --shallow --platform linux

Build the Python/C libraries:

source ./scripts/activate.sh
./scripts/build_python_device.sh --chip_detail_logging true

Activate the Python env and install the dependencies inside it:

source ./out/python_env/bin/activate
pip install -r build/requirements.txt