- 0
Unable to Update to Micrk8s v 1.32
#4796 opened by HeIp - 2
`microk8s reset` does not completely reset the cluster
#4747 opened by LoniasGR - 0
Observability plugin: node-exporter cannot start in strict mode because it fails to mount the root directory
#4783 opened by Dzeri96 - 0
Joining via hostname instead of IP
#4777 opened by Dzeri96 - 4
- 0
How microk8s installs addon minio?
#4776 opened by KimNikita - 0
Viruses in install
#4766 opened by bengit169 - 1
RBAC addon only returns User "system:anonymous"
#4765 opened by yanksyoon - 5
Error: failed to create containerd task: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: exec: "<exec_name>": stat <exec_name>: no such file or directory: unknown
#4741 opened by mikhatanu - 1
Microk8s not running correctly
#4744 opened by lbarboi - 0
- 0
Cluster outage after patch update 1.28.14 -> 1.28.15
#4750 opened by slapcat - 0
Sonobuoy Conformance Test Failures on MicroK8s
#4748 opened by mateofloreza - 5
- 1
Microk8s exec cmd issue
#4676 opened by suhailak22 - 2
dynamic resource allocation
#4740 opened by IanMoroney - 2
microk8s is not running enabling rbac
#4737 opened by harrypottar - 1
microk8s installation fails with "cannot execute: required file not found" error
#4709 opened by sibman - 1
cant add control plane
#4713 opened by sharonrosha - 1
Unexpected Microk8s 1.28.14 restart with cert update logs even though i have no-cert-reissue in-place
#4734 opened by chirag-launchnodes - 2
- 0
Registry is up and running and accessible from browser/curl, but docker push fails
#4724 opened by InputUsername - 1
Microk8s restart during snap refresh did not remove pods
#4691 opened by pengwyn - 1
- 2
High availability does not kick in
#4708 opened by pmatulis - 0
Output text to `add-node` command can be improved
#4707 opened by pmatulis - 2
- 2
- 2
- 1
Allow nodes to use FQDN names instead of IPs
#4698 opened by vabatta - 2
Pre-determined `add-node` token
#4703 opened by chaospuppy - 6
CoreDNS is broken on some installation
#4686 opened by yhaliaw - 1
Wrong GPU Operator version installed
#4697 opened by lukasbehammer - 12
- 2
- 2
Service snap.microk8s.daemon-kubelite is not running on woker node, resulting in a non-ready node status
#4685 opened by Darth-Weider - 1
Prometheus metrics of dqlite
#4647 opened by developer1622 - 1
Debugging kubelet
#4666 opened by mikeolasz - 4
What are differences between v1.28.14 (candidate) and v1.28.13 (stable)? Patch Release Notes for each Revision would be great!
#4682 opened by Aaron-Ritter - 1
Second node is not reflected in microk8s status after successful join
#4649 opened by louiseschmidtgen - 2
Cant install microk8s in M1 Macbook Pro Sequoia
#4683 opened by deanchalk - 1
Adding Elestio as deployment option
#4679 opened by kaiwalyakoparkar - 0
When moved time of node backwards and restart node. All Microk8s pods are in Unknown state.
#4677 opened by vishalcapri - 2
Upgrading calico to 3.26
#4673 opened by shundezhang - 1
Outbound Traffic Intermittent Failure
#4671 opened by serafdev - 2
- 0
Depricated warnings in journalctl
#4670 opened by sandunsameera - 3
microk8s Allocated Memory Limit Increase
#4665 opened by sa-ritesh - 2
Setting kubelet log level prevents the service to start
#4664 opened by mikeolasz - 2
Cannot upgrade microk8s v1.27.16 to microk8s v1.28.12
#4642 opened by davgia