PUBSUB is a thread-safe publish/subscribe messaging library.


  • To build:

    • chmod a+rx
    • ./
  • Run the example:

    • ./


  • Topics should be define in header files with including Topic.h header.

  • Topics will be define as a struct.

  • After struct definition, topics should declare with TOPIC_DECLARE()

  • Examples:

    • /topics/iso.h
    • /topics/test.h
  • Topic should define in /topics/Topic.cpp with TOPIC_DEFINE()

  • Example:

    • #include "iso.h"
    • TOPIC_DEFINE(iso)


  • Subscribe or Publisher (or both) should be included

  • Topic header file should be included

  • Both Subscriber and Publisher initialized with:

    • TOPIC_ID()
    • topic struct
  • Example:

    • Subscriber<iso_s> subiso{TOPIC_ID(iso)};

    • Publisher<iso_s> pubiso{TOPIC_ID(iso)};

  • Multiple Publishers can advertise to a topic

  • Multiple Subscribers can copy from topic if advertised

  • Publishers can unadvertise from a topic

  • All publishers must unadvertise for topic to be unadvertised

  • Subscribers can check if topic is updated before copying data from topic

  • Publisher can set() data and update() (publishing) anytime they want later

Example usage is in /src/test.cpp