- Visual C++ 2019
- Node.js
- BDO-Backend (
- (option) Use the UILib library for NSIS (
- command: npm i
- compile the "./Permission" project with Visual C++ 2019
- launcher BDO-Backend
- modify and copy "./config.json" to ".quasar/electron" directory
- copy "./lang.json" to ".quasar/electron" directory
- copy "./Permission/output/Permission.exe" and "./aria2" directory to ".quasar/electron" directory
- command: quasar dev -m electron
- follow steps Dev 1-3
- command: quasar build --mode electron --publish always
- using the "Enigma Virtual Box (" to open "./evb.evb", configure "Enigma Virtual Box" and package the "./dist/electron/Packaged/win-unpacked/resource" directory, click Process to generate something like "BDO Launcher_boxed.exe"
- copy "./dist/electron/Packaged/win-unpacked" directory and "BDO Launcher_boxed.exe" to "./Bin" directory, delete "./Bin/resources/electron.asar" and "./Bin/resources/app" directory
- copy "./Permission/output/Permission.exe" and "./aria2" directory to "./Bin/resources/app"
- modify and copy "./config.json" to "./Bin/resources/app" directory
- copy "./lang.json" to "./Bin/resources/app" directory
- (option) modify "./NSIS/setup.nsi" and "./NSIS/ui.nsi"
- (option) copy "./Bin/*.*" to the NSIS directory "./FilesToInstall" directory
- (option) copy "./NSIS/*.*" to the NSIS directory
- (option) run "build-bdolauncher.bat" in NSIS directory "./Output" to generate the installation package