
A collection of user snippets for Vscode for scaffolding Redux-connected React components and actions. I've created and used them for a long time for my own use and though it might be helpful to share with the community.

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Vscode React Typescript snippets

A collection of user snippets for Vscode for scaffolding Redux-connected React components and actions. I've created and used them for a long time for my own use and though it might be helpful to share with the community.


Copy the JSON files in this repo to the snippets directory. Below is where you can find that directory (if doesn't exist, create it) for your platform:

Windows %APPDATA%\Code\User\snippets\
Mac $HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/User/snippets/
Linux $HOME/.config/Code/User/snippets/

Don't rename the files otherwise they won't work. Please remember to merge the contents if you already have any of the JSON files for the languages in question.


In an empty TSX file, type any of the following snippets to scaffold:

cccrw: Create a React.js class component with the filename that is connected to Redux with empty mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps functions. References a CSS module file in the same directory with the same name of the file and sets its style. (the shortcut stands for "Create Class Component React Web")

cccrn: Create a React Native class component with the filename that is connected to Redux with empty mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps functions. Has a default container view and its style set. (the shortcut stands for "Create Class Component React Native")

ss: Create a stylesheet for React Native with an empty container key. (the shortcut stands for "StyleSheet")

fc: Create a React Native functional component with the filename. Has a default container view and its style set. (the shortcut stands for "Functional Component")

In an empty TS file, type any of the following snippets to scaffold:

cac: Create standard set of three action constants with specified action name ending with PENDING, SUCCESS, and FAILURE. (the shortcut stands for "Create Action Constants")