
Put a summary of your project here.

How to re-run

  1. Open the eycp-database.Rmd file in RStudio.
  2. Click the Run Document button.
  3. A new window with your resulting page should pop up.

How to publish a new version to Shiny

You'll need access to the Shiny account:

Install the rsconnect package install.packages("rsconnect").

On Shinyapps account dashboard, go to Accounts > Tokens and find the token used for this account.

Click Show, then Show secret and copy to your clipboard.

Paste that command into the Console of your RStudio and click Enter. Your Rstudio should be linked to the app.

Now you can click the swirly blue button in the right top corner of your RStudio page and publish.

Make sure to choose the Rmd and all the files in the .secrets folder. Click Publish. When it is done publishing it will pop up the app in your browser and you can test it.

Adding new Unique_Numbers

This process is also described here. You will want to copy the formula and then copy over that cell with the values only so the values are stable and don't change.

To add a new alumni's new Unique_Number:

  1. Right click to Add a new row.
  2. Drag and copy the cell in row 2 (it should have an equation that looks like: =CONCATENATE(UPPER(LEFT(D2,2)), RANDBETWEEN(0,10000))
  3. Make sure to add the Alumni's name before doing the next step.
  4. Click enter and you should see the ID show up.
  5. In that same cell (or group of cells), right click to copy (Or click Crtl + C).
  6. Right click again on the same cell and choose Paste special > Values only to save over the equation with the value of the ID number.
  7. You're all set.