
Can it load and play point clouds from a LIDAR?

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Thanks for sharing this code.

Can it load and play point clouds from a LIDAR?
if yes, could you provide an example please?

Not as it is at the moment, but of course open3d would support to load them. It should be simple to replace the mesh part with the pointcloud loading, but the FastGeometryLoader is currently only supporting mesh files.

@ali-robot What kind of pointclouds would you like to display? Are they in the PLY format or is it a sequence recorded by an RGB-D cam?

Check out the most recent commit, I guess you could install it by using the following command:

pip install git+

Now it is possible to use the --pointcloud argument to load a pointcloud sequence:

mesh-sequence-player your_path --pointcloud

The loading is still slow (sequentially) but it works here with some example PLY files. Use the --format command to load other formats.

Update: Fast loading is implemented as well now: 83bff8e

I have just checked it
the formats I am using are .csv or .xyz or .pcd and sometimes .ply (not in the meantime)

The data comes from a vlp-16 LIDAR (a LIDAR mounted on a car)

When I run the command it runs well, it i.e. it reads and displays the pointclouds in a sequence (as expected) which is great.

The problem I have is with the output video, I find it to be a very nice feature but it is not working!
Actually it works, but it produces a video of few seconds and stops, whereas the dataset I am feeding to the player lasts several minutes

Could you give me some more information about the dataset, I can not reproduce the error you have. Maybe not all the clouds are loaded correctly. Is there an error message?