
Example code for a visual pschology experiment.

Primary LanguagePython


Example code for a visual priming experiment I prepared for a school project.

The instructions for the project: " This experiment will make use of a number of images of living and non-living objects. A single trial consists of a prime stimulus that is presented for a very short duration (20 ms) followed immediately by a target stimulus which is presented for 150 ms. After this presentation, the user should indicate if the target stimulus is a living or non-living object. With two different types of images (living versus non-living) and two presentation types (prime versus target) we can construct four possible conditions

  • Congruent living: prime = living and target = living
  • Congruent non-living: prime = non-living and target = non-living
  • Incongruent living: prime = non-living and target = living
  • Incongruent non-living: prime = living and target = non-living You have 20 living and 20 non-living visual stimuli which you can use. Design the experiment in such a way that each stimulus is used only once (either as a target or as a prime) "

To run it download the repository and change directory in the priming_experiment.

|-------data: folder where the data is saved in excel files after data collection from participants | |-------stimuli: folder with visual stimuli for priming | |-------priming_analyses: script to analyse the data after data collection | |-------priming_experiment: main script to run the expriment and collect data | |-------priming_functions: functions used for the experiment script