A command line script that converts spotify playlists to tidal ones, made using Spotipy and Tidalapi for fun, before finding out that Tune my Music already does that 😒.
pip install spotipy
pip install tidalapi
pip install python-dotenv
Create a new app on Spotify's developers dashboard, then create a file named .env
containing the following parameters:
SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID = your-client-id
SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET = your-client-secret
SPOTIPY_REDIRECT_URI = your-redirect-uri
SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SCOPE = user-library-read
Run by using the following command
python3 main.py [spotify-playlist-id] [tidal-playlist]
- The Spotify's playlist id consists of the id that composes the playlist URI
- The Tidal's one consists of the name that the newly created playlist will have
Since Tidal does not allow searching songs by their ISRC, some songs might be converted incorrectly. However, if no song is found on tidal the title will be skipped and printed on the command line in order to let you know which songs have not been synchronized.