
Repository Solus Linux distribution. It is hosted on the Google Cloud + Cloudflare.

Primary LanguageShell


Adding the Repository

sudo eopkg add-repo Cantalupo https://solus.cantalupo.com.br/eopkg-index.xml.xz

Disclaimer 📓

These packages are not official, they are neither supported nor endorsed by the official Solus devs. Do not ask for help in Solus's help forum, instead create an issue.


sudo eopkg install package

Packages List

Package Name Version Last Updated How-to
android-studio 4.1.1 25/11/2020
anydesk 6.0.1 28/08/2020
bitwig-studio 3.3 13/12/2020
breaktimer 0.7.7 13/12/2020
clion 2020.1.1 11/05/2020
dart compiling compiling
datagrip 2020.1.4 02/06/2020
dkms 2.8.1 09/05/2020 Tutorial
emby-server 13/12/2020 Tutorial
enpass 18/10/2020
eradio 2.0.4 31/01/2020
filebot 4.9.1 30/05/2020
filebot-o 4.7.9 18/11/2020
franz 5.5.0 08/05/2020
free-office-2018 976 15/04/2020
genymotion 3.1.1 01/09/2020 Only .current kernel
gitkraken 7.4.1 13/12/2020
goland 2020.1.2 10/05/2020
google-chrome-beta 88.0.4324.41 13/12/2020
google-chrome-stable 87.0.4280.88 13/12/2020
google-chrome-unstable 89.0.4350.4 13/12/2020
ibus-avro 1.1 24/07/2020
idea 2020.1.1 11/05/2020
insync 13/12/2020
jami 20200630.1.5 05/07/2020
jellyfin compiling compiling
master-pdf-editor 5.6.49 09/10/2020
master-pdf-editor-v4 4.3.89 31/01/2020
megasync 4.3.5 17/10/2020
mscorefonts 1.3 06/04/2020
nordvpn 3.6.1 13/07/2020 Tutorial
ocenaudio 3.9.7 13/12/2020
office-2018 976 15/04/2020
onlyoffice-desktopeditors 5.5.1 19/04/2020
phpstorm 2020.1.1 11/05/2020
plexmediaserver 13/12/2020 Tutorial
popcorn-time 0.4.4 15/04/2020
pycharm 2020.1.1 10/05/2020
pycharm-c 2020.1.1 10/05/2020
rambox 0.7.7 17/10/2020
rambox-pro 1.4.1 13/12/2020
rar 5.91 24/07/2020
renamemytvseries compiling compiling RenameMyTVSeries
rescuetime 24/07/2020
rider 2020.1.3 02/06/2020
rubymine 2020.1.1 11/05/2020
skype 13/12/2020
slack-desktop 4.11.3 13/12/2020
softmaker-office-2021 1020 09/10/2020
speedtest 1.0.0 26/04/2020
spotify 24/09/2020
stacer 1.1.0 11/02/2020
stremio 4.4.120 17/10/2020
sublime-text-3 3211 31/01/2020
teams compiling compiling Microsoft Teams
teamviewer 15.12.4 25/11/2020 Tutorial
viber 13.3.1 15/08/2020
warsaw 1.15.2 25/11/2020 Tutorial - Brazil
webstorm 2020.1.1 11/05/2020
windscribe 1.4 04/04/2020 Tutorial
wps-office 30/10/2020
xdm 7.2.11 01/09/2020
xmacro 0.3 31/01/2020
xmind-zen 10.2.1 24/09/2020
zoom compiling compiling

Lib List

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Ethereum (ETH) 0xe6a2ed71d1fbebef74b7388cf716c4d38cd432f7


Removing the Repository

sudo eopkg remove-repo Cantalupo

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Please fill a report here