
Webpack + Chrome + React = <3

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Webpack + Chrome + React = <3

What's this?

Here's a modest starter-project that sets up react to run on the options-page of a chrome extension.

Getting started

simply clone the repo, cd, and npm install

from there npm run build and add the build directory to chrome through chrome://extensions - make sure you have developer mode enabled, and click 'load unpacked'

for development, npm run start:dev will launch a live server of the react application.

Notes and Gotchas:

this project simply copies over the manifest json file into the build directory, along with the file structure of src and uses webpack / babel to do the magic of getting react working. If you need access to chrome extension API's during development you can add

/* global chrome */ 

to your component to make react a little less fussy, and then add some existance conditions for the necessary objects inside the react app e.g.:

     // do stuff related to chrome API
   } else { 
     //use some spoofed data

If there's a better way, I'd love to hear about it and will update the project accordingly.
