
Primary LanguageShell

LAMP behind Nginx reverse proxy


  • try init.sh on a fresh install Done

  • fail2ban on phpMyAdmin Done

  • munin configuration Done

  • backups (rdiff-backup / mysqldump / borg) Done but documentation is to be improved

  • install imgopt utility Done

  • include varnish-vrocks configuration

    a rock solid configuration for varnish https://gitlab.com/cantoute/varnish-vrocks

    Repo is private, but I'm open to share the sources on request (not to Big Brother)

    Feel free to post an issue :)

    • Manage varnish behaviors by simply setting dedicated headers in Nginx

      Have a professional varnish reverse proxy up and running in minutes yet flexible and easily managed on a per site or per path behavior driving it right from nginx configuration by setting dedicated headers without ever having to touch varnish .vcl configuration directly.

      Ex: Default-TTL, Default-Grace, Stale-If-Error, Stale-If-Bot, Retry-If-Error, Rule-Wordpress, Clear-Cookie-All, Clear-Cookie-PHPSESSID, Cache-Ajax, Query-String-Sort, etc... (all well documented)


This is a toolbox for installing a LAMP behind Nginx reverse proxy on Debian 10 (Buster) works with Debian 11 and 12

This stack is flexible, solid and works well for wordpress hosting. Getting the benefit of Nginx power yet still having .htaccess ease of use.

├── backup-restor copy.md
├── backup-restore.md
├── bin
│   ├── init.d
│   │   ├── imgopt
│   │   ├── install-borg.sh
│   │   ├── install-rclone.sh
│   │   ├── munin
│   │   ├── mysql-stuff
│   │   ├── netdata
│   │   ├── php-sury
│   │   ├── proftpd
│   │   └── varnish
│   ├── init.sh
│   └── sync.sh
├── README.md
└── root-fs
    ├── etc
    │   ├── apache2
    │   │   ├── conf-available
    │   │   │   ├── dont-cache-robots-txt.conf
    │   │   │   └── ng-lamp.conf
    │   │   ├── ports.conf
    │   │   └── sites-available
    │   │       ├── 000-ng-lamp-default.conf
    │   │       ├── localhost.conf
    │   │       ├── munin.conf.skel
    │   │       └── www.example.com.conf.skel
    │   ├── cron.d
    │   │   └── backups
    │   ├── etckeeper
    │   │   └── diff.d
    │   │       ├── 10git-diff.sh
    │   │       └── 10hg-diff
    │   ├── fail2ban
    │   │   └── jail.local
    │   ├── munin
    │   │   ├── plugin-conf.d
    │   │   │   ├── apache
    │   │   │   ├── nginx
    │   │   │   └── varnish
    │   │   └── plugins
    │   │       ├── varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_allocations -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_backend_traffic -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_bad -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_bans -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_bans_lurker -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_esi -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_expunge -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_hcb -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_hit_rate -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_losthrd -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_lru -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_main_uptime -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_memory_usage -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_mgt_uptime -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_objects -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_objects_per_objhead -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_request_rate -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_session -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_session_herd -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_shm -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_shm_writes -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_threads -> varnish5_
    │   │       ├── varnish5_transfer_rates -> varnish5_
    │   │       └── varnish5_vcl -> varnish5_
    │   ├── netdata
    │   │   └── python.d
    │   │       ├── apache.conf
    │   │       └── nginx.conf
    │   ├── nginx
    │   │   ├── nginx.conf
    │   │   ├── ng-lamp
    │   │   │   ├── 00_local.conf.skel
    │   │   │   ├── 00_upstreams.conf
    │   │   │   ├── 10_default-host.conf
    │   │   │   ├── 10_limit_maps.conf
    │   │   │   ├── 20_localhost.conf
    │   │   │   ├── munin.conf.skel
    │   │   │   ├── netdata.conf.skel
    │   │   │   ├── phpmyadmin.conf.skel
    │   │   │   ├── redirect.conf.skel
    │   │   │   └── wordpress.conf.skel
    │   │   └── snippets
    │   │       ├── ban-bots.conf
    │   │       ├── common-proxy-buffer.conf
    │   │       ├── common-proxy.conf
    │   │       ├── common-proxy-timeout.conf
    │   │       ├── common-vhost.conf
    │   │       ├── letsencrypt-acme-challenge.conf
    │   │       ├── real-ip-cloudflare.conf
    │   │       ├── real-ip-fastly.conf
    │   │       ├── wordpress.conf
    │   │       └── wordpress-webp-express.conf
    │   ├── php
    │   │   └── 7.4
    │   │       └── fpm
    │   │           └── pool.d
    │   │               └── www-adm.conf
    │   ├── skel
    │   └── vim
    │       └── vimrc.local
    ├── home
    │   └── www-adm
    │       └── www.mysql
    │           └── config.inc.php
    ├── root
    │   └── bin
    │       ├── backup-borg-create.sh
    │       ├── backup-borg-label-mysql.sh
    │       ├── backup-borg.sh
    │       ├── backup-common.sh
    │       ├── backup-cron.sh
    │       ├── backup-defaults.sh
    │       ├── backup-example-host.sh
    │       ├── backup-mysql-rclone.sh
    │       ├── backup-mysql-restic.bash
    │       ├── backup-mysql.sh
    │       ├── backup-pg.sh
    │       ├── backup-rdiff.sh
    │       ├── backup-store-local.sh
    │       ├── backup-store-rclone.sh
    │       └── backup-store.sh
    └── usr
        └── local
            └── bin
                └── top-ip

33 directories, 95 files

What it does

  • set apache to listen only localhost:8081

    • a2enmod proxy_fcgi remoteip senenvif headers expires deflate rewrite env auth_basic auth_digest
  • install nginx mainline

  • installs munin and netdata monitoring

  • making sure virtual host localhost is only accessible to munin

  • nginx ratelimit to requests made to apache backend. 100 req then slowed to 1/s

  • remove fbclid from url (redirect 301) to improve SEO and privacy.

  • install Sury PHP php-7.4 FPM allowing multiple php versions. (at this date are available 5.6, 7.0~7.4 and 8.0)

  • install php composer

  • install wp-cli + bash-completion

  • install nodejs LTS (currently 14.x)

  • install imgopt utility and dependencies. https://github.com/kormoc/imgopt

  • backup script

    • New: backup scripts using borg and on the fly mysql to S3 Buckets (tested with minio.io)

      The backups script are now tested for almost a year in production (Jun 2023) But they surely are lacking of more documentation Restaure Examples

    • backup of mysql database : full dump at 0:00 + single database at 4, 12, 20

    • rdiff-backup : at 4, 12, 20 (keeping 4 weeks of history)


clone repo as root (sudo -s)

# screen can be your friend specially if using unreliable connection :)
sudo -s
apt update
apt upgrade
apt install git rsync

cd /root
git clone https://github.com/cantoute/ng-lamp.git
cd ng-lamp

# git clone git@github.com:cantoute/ng-lamp.git

then run init.sh


sync.sh utility

# update all system settings/files
./bin/sync.sh /

# a directory (recursively)
./bin/sync.sh /etc/nginx/conf.d

# single file
./bin/sync.sh /etc/apache2/ports.conf