App File Name: Sharex.apk
Team Name: MadMates
Short Description: SharEx is app to get support in their lives by people who have reached the desired position of people's ideals.
Licence: MIT License - Copyright (c) 2018
Country: TURKEY
Have you ever thought about that how successful people have achieved this success or have you wondered how they worked to achieve this?
At this point we wanted successful people to be a more than mentor to us! And we say SHARE EXPERIENCE!
SharEx is designed to get support in their lives by people who have reached the desired position of people's ideals.
Within the application, people can share their specific study programs.Also they can follow the work programs of the people who they take their cue from and apply their recommendations
They can find the working program that they want with the wide variety on the homepage, they can choose the most suitable mentor.
We also added some gamification to the application! As they successfully complete the programs that they follow, they will earn points and level up. They can follow the their level on profile page and they can check analysis with button on profile. Also you can see your mentoring programs, next you can add more mentors and more programs with mentor button. If they can apply the program they follow up to a certain level, they can communicate and can ask questions to their mentors.
In addition, There are also groups in the app. It is now easier to take a look at the groups proposed on the homepage, to find participants interested in the same subject, and to follow the sector with that groups. In the case of project development, a special study program will be opened with a few people to establish a project team and project development.
We say Share Experience : SharEx !