Minimal example of a custom scittle build using datascript as a plugin


  • go to the plugins/demo section of scittle
  • uncomment datascript plugin in plugins/demo/bb.edn + remove hoplon/javelin (since I didn't need these)
  • run bb release to generate the output .js artifacts
  • copy the contents of plugins/demo/resources over to this repo
  • add in an index.html inside resources/public, adding script tags to the appropriate .js files that you want to use. at a minimum, this will be scittle.js and scittle.nrepl.js (and in my case, scittle.datascript.js).
  • add a quick .clj file in to test to make the imports/code runs


  • run bb dev
  • go localhost:1341 + refresh the page
  • jack in to nrepl server @ localhost:1339 + start coding!
    • for calva users like me, use the Connect to a running REPL server, not in your project + select Generic. This will allow you to directly enter the port on localhost that you want to connect to.

evaluating datascript code successfully