
My personal Mac OSX and Linux dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell

Personal Configuration for space-vim, ZSH, dotfiles


The root directory should be ~/Dotfiles/

  1. Clone the repository to local machine:
    git clone https://github.com/ztlevi/Dotfiles.git ~/Dotfiles
  2. Install GNU stow
    # OSX
    brew install stow
    # Ubuntu
    sudo apt install stow
  3. Put the dotfiles in the home directory:
    cd ~/Dotfiles


/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

Install necessary utilities:

brew install git curl wget



  1. Install git, vim/neovim, curl first.
    • vim vim --version to check your vim has +clipboard and +python/python3 support
      • For Mac: brew install macvim --with-override-system-vim
      • For Linux, install gvim instead of vim (with +clipboard support)
    • neovim Python support script is already written in installspace-vim.sh. Make sure you have Python 2 or 3 installed.
      • For Mac: brew install neovim
  2. Install space-vim:
    cd ~/Dotfiles
  3. Update the plugin with :PlugUpdate
  4. Note: Python3 must be enabled before updating remote plugins If Deoplete was installed prior to Python support being added to Neovim, :UpdateRemotePlugins should be executed manually in order to enable auto-completion.
  5. Add clipboard support on Ubuntu by installing:
    sudo apt install xclip



  1. Install zsh first, instructions here.
    # set zsh as default, this one does not need root
    chsh -s $(which zsh)
    # alternative for Linux
    sudo usermod -s /usr/bin/zsh <username>
  2. Install oh-my-zsh:
    sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
  3. Some instructions is in OhMyZSH.org


  1. Install Tumx using system package manager like homebrew, apt-get, pacman.
    brew install tmux
  2. tmux-yank package requirements here. Mac: brew install reattach-to-user-namespace Linux: pacman -S xsel
  3. Key bindings
    • tmux-resurrect: prefix + Ctrl-s - save, prefix + Ctrl-r - restore
    • prefix: I set it to C-x
    • prefix + I: Installs new plugins from GitHub or any other git repository. Refreshes TMUX environment
    • prefix + U: updates plugin(s)
    • prefix + alt + u: remove/uninstall plugins not on the plugin list

Grep, Rg

brew install grep ripgrep


  • Homebrew or Linuxbrew
    brew install fzf
    # To install useful key bindings and fuzzy completion:
    $(brew --prefix)/opt/fzf/install

Node, NVM

Use Node Installer to install node.js.

  • Optional: Use nvm as node version manager.
    nvm install 8
    nvm use 8
    # set the node8 as default node
    nvm alias default 8
    # OR
    # set the system as default node
    nvm alias default system

Aspell personal dictionary

  1. Follow the link
  2. .aspell.lang.pws: The second part of simply a word list with one word per line.
  3. .aspell.lang.prepl: The second part simply a list of replacements with one replacement per line with each replacement pair has the following format: misspelled_word correction

Other Dependencies

  1. System package manager dependencies:
    brew install fd ranger p7zip screenfetch asciinema tree pandoc
  2. NPM dependencies here, and you will need to install python.
    npm i -g npm yarn prettier trash-cli live-server hexo-cli reveal-md phantomjs \
        eslint babel-eslint eslint-plugin-babel eslint-plugin-react \
        eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-config-prettier \
        typescript tslint
  3. Pip Make sure your pip is the one you want to use. Options are from anaconda, python2 or python3.
    python3 -m pip install pipenv 'python-language-server[all]'

    Note: (optional) If you are using Python 2.7 and want to enable multiprocessing:

    python2 -m pip install futures
  4. C++
    brew install gcc@7 cmake ninja clang-format
  5. Latex
    brew cask install basictex
    sudo tlmgr update --self
    sudo tlmgr install latexmk multirow
  6. Mac quick look (Preview)
    brew cask install qlcolorcode qlstephen qlmarkdown quicklook-json webpquicklook suspicious-package quicklookase qlvideo
  7. Cask applications
    # Install jdk8
    brew cask install java
    # anaconda
    brew cask install anaconda
    # Install Others
    brew cask install typora slack skype dropbox neteasemusic obs iina firefox google-chrome kap \
        cakebrew keycastr intel-power-gadget karabiner-elements \
        iterm2 jetbrains-toolbox visual-studio-code virtualbox gitbook-editor vimr

    Brew cask upgrade:

    brew tap buo/cask-upgrade
    # Upgrade with
    brew cu

Mac Keybindings

Settings are described in Mac\_keybindings/ReadMe.md

Homebrew Backup

  • Backup
    brew bundle dump --force --file="~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/PackageManagerLists/Brewfile"
  • Restore
    brew bundle --file="~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/PackageManagerLists/Brewfile"
  • Clean up
    brew bundle cleanup --file="~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/PackageManagerLists/Brewfile"


  1. Roboto Mono for Powerline
  2. Ubuntu Mono and the one for Powerline
  3. Source Code Pro for Powerline
  4. Operator Mono and Lig
  5. Monofur for Powerline
  6. Menlo - Regular


  1. Xmodmap file is used for key tweak on linux.
  2. NPM global packages’ path is set to be ~/.npm-global