Use svg files to build iconfont files(ttf,woff2,woff,eot,svg), css file, js data file and html-preview file.
- Iconfont output formats: WOFF2, WOFF, EOT, TTF and SVG.
- Generates CSS file, js data file, html-preview file.
- Supports webpack and hot reloading at devlopment time. Iconfont files and css file will be rebuilt while any svg file changed or added, then page will refresh.
- Supports running by nodejs directly.
- Fixed output files with the same svg files. It means that if the svg files are not changed, all the output files(ttf,woff,css...) will not change, even though you build them again.
- High iconfont precision.
git clone
cd webpack-iconfont-plugin-nodejs
npm install
npm run dev
Or visit this preview:
npm install webpack-iconfont-plugin-nodejs
You can use it by nodejs directly or use it in webpack
var WebpackIconfontPluginNodejs = require('webpack-iconfont-plugin-nodejs');
var path = require('path');
var dir = 'test/web_project/'
var options = {
fontName: 'my-icons',
cssPrefix: 'ico',
svgs: path.join(dir, 'svgs/*.svg'),
// template: path.join(dir, 'css.njk'),
// htmlTemplate: path.join(dir, 'html.njk'),
fontsOutput: path.join(dir, 'fonts/'),
cssOutput: path.join(dir, 'fonts/font.css'),
htmlOutput: path.join(dir, 'fonts/_font-preview.html'),
jsOutput: path.join(dir, 'fonts/fonts.js'),
// formats: ['ttf', 'woff', 'svg'],
new WebpackIconfontPluginNodejs(options).build()
Then you can run this command to build iconfont by svg:
node build/svg2font.js
Or you can set this command to script of package.json, and run it by npm.
var WebpackIconfontPluginNodejs = require('webpack-iconfont-plugin-nodejs');
var dir = 'test/web_project/'
module.exports = {
//... others
plugins: [
new WebpackIconfontPluginNodejs({
fontName: 'my-icons',
cssPrefix: 'ico',
svgs: path.join(dir, 'svgs/*.svg'),
// template: path.join(dir, 'css.njk'),
fontsOutput: path.join(dir, 'fonts/'),
cssOutput: path.join(dir, 'fonts/font.css'),
htmlOutput: path.join(dir, 'fonts/_font-preview.html'),
jsOutput: path.join(dir, 'fonts/fonts.js'),
namesOutput: path.join(dir, 'fonts/names.txt'),
// formats: ['ttf', 'woff', 'svg'],
Type: String
File path(s) or glob(s) to svg icons. Recommend to use .svg like this: /src/project/src/.svg, this can watch svgs by directory.
Type: String
Destination for generated font files (directory).
Type: String
Destination for generated css file (file name).
Type: String
Default value: iconfont
The font family name (e.g. font-family: 'iconfont'
Type: String
Default value: [path of cssOutput] + /font-preview.html
. Or false
Destination for generated html-preview file (file name). If false
, no html and js output.
Type: String
Default value: css
Type of built in style templates ('css', 'scss', 'scss-mixins') or full path to custom template.
Type: String
Default value: templates/html.njk
Full path to custom html template.
Type: Array of String
Default value: ['svg', 'ttf', 'eot', 'woff2', 'woff']
The output iconfont formats.
Type: String
Default value: fontName
Css className prefix.
Type: String
Default value: undefined.
Path of a js file which contains all svg contents. Optional.
Type: String
Default value: undefined.
Path of a txt file which contains all icon names. c
Type: String
Default value: '/* eslint-disable */\n'
Js file content prefix.
Type: String
Default value: path.relative(path.dirname(options.cssOutput), options.fontsOutput);
Font url path in cssOutput
Type: Function
Default value: undefined;
A function to modify glyphData.metadata. Optional.
Type: boolean
Default value: false;
Do not watch svgs
files. Optional.
Other options such as startUnicode
, prependUnicode
etc. in defaultOptions.js,
Please refer to: